Mindset for IELTS level 1 level


In this IELTS listening lesson, students will develop essential skills for success in the exam. They will learn how to identify synonyms and paraphrases in matching tasks, which will help them understand and answer questions more effectively. Additionally, students will be trained to recognize and handle distractors, ensuring they can distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information. They will also practice answering classification tasks, which involve categorizing information accurately. By mastering these skills, students will enhance their listening comprehension and improve their overall performance in the IELTS exam.


Abc Dictionary
Abc Digital learning tools
Abc Internet
Abc Notebook
Abc projector and Visual Aids

Main Aims

  • Encourage Active Participation: Foster an interactive classroom environment where students are encouraged to participate actively, ask questions, and engage in discussions. This can be achieved by incorporating group work, pair activities, and hands-on tasks.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Skill Development: Focus on improving students' ability to identify synonyms and paraphrases, handle distractors, and answer classification tasks effectively.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

For the warmer of this lesson, I will clearly outline my expectations for the students and quickly review some vocabulary they may need before we begin all of this will be done by showing them a pptx.TST

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

For the exposure part of the lesson, I have prepared beautiful pictures illustrating the vocabulary. I will have the students work in pairs to write the answers to the questions. Once they have completed this task, I would like them to ask and answer the questions with each other. TSS

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Now, moving on to the productive task, where all students know what to listen for and how to avoid distractors. We will go through the listening activity one question at a time to ensure everyone understands. If some students struggle, I will pair them with a stronger student or slow down the speed of the recording to provide additional support. STS

Synonym and Paraphrase (8-10 minutes) • For students to grasp the task and understand

For the synonym and paraphrase part of the IELTS listening, where the answers are A, B, or C, I will have the students work in pairs. Additionally, I will provide hands-on assistance to students who may struggle with the vocabulary, ensuring they understand the material thoroughly. TSS

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