Ahmed K Alshammari Ahmed K Alshammari

Body Moving Lesson
A+1 (Elementary). level


In this lesson, Ss learn about the proper use of the imperatives in the context of body moving. The lesson starts with a lead-in a short video about giving orders. we will then review some vocabularies related to the body. This followed by practicing imperatives in the context of body moving and then in general. Finally, we will do a speaking activity where Ss listen to instructions and follow them.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice of imperatives in the context of body moving.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of the body parts in the context of body moving
  • To provide practice for listening of general information about the body parts and movements.
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a giving orders in the context of body moving


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will show a short video of Mr.Bean giving orders to some soldiers. what Mr. Bean telling the soldiers? Elicit the word (orders) T will clarify to Ss that during our lesson today you will learn how to give orders in English.

Exposure/ Vocabulary activity #1&2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Ex #1: T will ask Ss to underline seven words in the article on page 94 connected to the body (handout 1) Ex #2: T will ask Ss to match the body parts with the word in the box (Handout 1). Leg, foot/feet, knee, chest, back, hand, arm, wrist, shoulder, elbow, neck, head, stomach, eyes, finger. T checks their answers. T then will we go to pronounce all the words above (Vocabularies). T will show a picture for each part. on the back of picture, T will write the words with their phonemes. T will ask Ss pronounce it together and individually. Leg /leg/ ,feet /fit/ ,knee /ni/ chest /ʃest/ , back /bak/ ,hand /hand/ arm /arm/ , wrist /rIst/ , shoulder /ʃoulder/ elbow /elbou/, neck /nek/, head/hed/ stomach/stamek/, eyes /aiz/, finger /fInger/

Clarification / Grammar (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

In the first half of the board, T will highlight the following: 1. Drink water. 2. Sit straight. T asks: ''Drink'' is it a verb or a noun? is it in the simple from? do you see -ing? Do you see a subject here? what do u think about this sentence? what we call it? Elicit word order again. Then, T will clarify that we call this orders or imperatives in grammar. Similarly, we do with Sit straight. In the second half of the board, T will ask Ss how to use negative order or imperative with: 1. Drink water? Elicit the auxiliary don't Then, T will clarify the form of negative imperative: Don't + Verb.

Controlled Practice/ Exercise #1 grammar (5-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T will ask Ss to work in pairs. Underline all the examples of verbs in the imperative in the article.

Semi-Controlled Practice/ Exercise# 2 Grammar. (2-3 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Ex#2: Make a sentence for each picture using the verbs and phrases in the box in the imperative. T will will ask each S to say a sentence individually. Verbs and phrases: Take a photo Smoke Speak Walk Drive slowly Turn right.

Free Practice/ listen and speak Ex 1&2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ex#1: Look at the picture and listen to the instructions for a microbreak' exercise. EX#2: listen and follow the instructions. T will ask Ss to stand up and follow the instructions. Ex#3: Teach your partner how to do this exercise. T will divide Ss into two groups A&B. each Ss of group A needs to teach a S in group B the exercise and vise versa .

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