TP 4 - Grammar
Upper intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of present and past habits, repeated actions and states in the context of eating habits
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency-focused speaking practice through a conversation about how habits change over the years.
Procedure (36-44 minutes)
Have Ss look at the image slide 1 PP OC Ask: Who do you think is healthier? Guy or Jasmin? Ask: What are some good and bad eating habits? Possible answers: Guy - not as healthy Jasmin - Healthier Good Eating Habits Eating a balanced diet with fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains. Drinking enough water throughout the day. Eating at regular times and avoiding skipping meals. Bad Eating Habits Consuming too much junk food and sugary drinks. Eating too fast without chewing properly. Skipping meals or overeating. Аnnotate Sss´ answers in the slide
Today, we will take a look at some interesting grammar points related to present and past habits, repeated actions, and states. We’ll use Guy and Jasmine, along with a listening activity about them, as our context. Gist -Share Figma via chat -Screenshare the Figma + DEMO + Look at the photos of Guy and Jasmin, two people who took part in a survey about eating habits. Who do you think says sentences 1- 3 and who do you think says sentences 4-6? Drag the correct box into the corresponding section. - 2,5 minutes -Individual -ICQs - 20 seconds to go over your answer then OCFB last page of the same Figma screen sharing VISUAL FB -Answer: 1-3 Guy, 4-6 Jasmine Ask: Like Jasmine, do you ever change your eating habits or exercise routine based on what you hear from others or from reading about healthy lifestyles? Intensive Let's have a look at an audio transcript of what we've just heard and work with verbs that appeared there. -Share Figma via chat -Screen share the Figma + DEMO + Underline/highlight sentences 1–7 in the audio transcript, then underline/highlight all the verbs in these sentences. Afterward, fill in the table using the verbs from sentences 1–7. -4 minutes -Individual -ICQs - OCFB last page of Figma, Elicit from the Ss Answers: 1. Present Simple: think (I think I'm pretty healthy) eat (I just eat what I like) like (what I like) 2. Future Simple: 'll have (I'll have toast with a lot of peanut butter) 3. Present Continuous: 's complaining (My mom's always complaining about my diet) 4. Past Simple: used to be (I used to be so unfit) used to eat (I used to eat burgers and fries) read (I read a lot of stuff about healthy eating) knew (I knew my diet had to change) 5. Conditional (Past Conditional): 'd get (I'd get an ice cream or something)
Meaning + Form -Share google form via chat -Screenshare the google form + Elicit state verbs from the Ss (Like, hate, feel, hear, know, believe, need, love, have, be - What are these?)Do they describe an action or a state? (state) . Are they used in the present continuous form? (no) (annotate) + DEMO - Multiple choice questions + short answers covering the Meaning and Form of L used to talk about present and past habits, repeated actions, and states. - 5 minutes - submit and click view score to see comments -Individual -ICQs - OCFB Google forms - Answers: 1. Present Simple 2. Present Continuous 3. Will + Infinitive 4. Repeated and typical behaviours in the present 5. A future action 6. Past Simple and used to + infinitive 7. Would + infinitive 8. No 9. I gave up smoking in May 10. X 11. X 12. X 13. I used to sleep until 10 a.m., then I'd get up and have breakfast in the garden. After that I'd get on the bus to work. Ask CCQs: Does "used to" describe a repeated action or a one-time event? (Repeated action) Can we use "would + infinitive" at the beginning of a sentence when talking about a past habit? (No, we start with "used to") If I say he´s always complaining about his job, does it mean I´m annoyed? (yes) Do we use would + infinitive with state verbs? (no) Pronunciation: -Share Figma to Ss -Show Figma to Ss -Identify contractions, weak forms, and stressed content words, and use the corresponding symbols to mark the different aspects of pronunciation. - Send them the recording of the example via chat - Use the example as DEMO, Elicit through CCQs what the weak form, contraction, and stressed content words are and complete the example with them. -Play the recording 2 times with shared sound. Example: But I used to be so unfit and I used to eat burgers and fries all the time. 1. Weak Forms How do we say "But", "I", "and" in fast speech? (Buh, ah, en) Do we say but, I, and strongly or weakly? (Weakly – it sounds like /tə/) 2. Contractions Example: I used to eat burgers. Is used to one word or two? (Two, but spoken quickly together) 3. Stressed Content Words Example: But I used to be so unfit and I used to eat burgers and fries all the time. Which words are the most important/ carry the meaning? (used, unfit, eat, burgers, fries, time) Do we say them louder or softer? (Louder) Complete the example using the symbols eliciting/nominating from/ the Ss. Weak forms: But - buh, I - ah, and /ən/ or /n/, so /səʊ/ or /sə/, In the time the /ðə/ Contractions: Used to - almost sounds like one word Stressed Content Words: used (because it’s the main verb in the past tense) unfit (describes the subject, so it carries meaning) eat (main action verb) burgers (important noun) fries (important noun) time (important noun) Complete the other 3 sentences with corresponding symbols of Weak forms, Contractions, and Stressed content words - Send the other 2 recordings -5 minutes -Individual work - ICQs which symbol is which, Do we pronounce weak forms louder or weaker? Do we pronounce stress-content words louder or weaker? Is I'll a contraction? - OCFB on the last page of Figma Answers: Separate material named Pronunciation answers
Let's practice what we've learned so far. Controlled practice -Share google forms - Show google forms - Do a demo with the first example - 3 minutes - Individual -ICQs - OCFB FB Google forms - share the answers through annotate Answers: 1. wanted 2. started 3. worked/would work/used to work 4. got 5. were/would be/used to be .6 just had/ would just have/just used to have 7. watched/ would watch/ used to watch
Speaking time! -Show slide 2. PP Explain: Make notes on the differences between your life five years ago and your life now. Use the ideas or your own. You have 2 minutes to prepare, remember to use used to+ infinitive, would + infinitive, Past Simple, use the ideas if you're unsure about what to speak about - Pair work - 4 minutes - 2,5 for S - Partner swap - 4 minutes - ICQs -Monitor - OCFB -DEC