Pre-advanced reading
Pre advanced level
Main Aims
To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about circular & linear economy in the context of industry, waste and environment
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency speaking practice in a debate in the context of waste and environment
Procedure (37-45 minutes)
T shows a picture of a product (a cookie tin) that can be reused in most houses and then ask Ss to think of some creative ways to reuse other objects (a bottle & a straw)
T tells Ss that they will watch a video (P:26) to highlight the difference between circular and linear economy. They will be asked to tell the difference and distinguish which economy is similar to the biological cycle in nature
T directs the Ss to the figure on page 29 and asks them to reflect on their country and decide if the economy in Turkey is circular or linear. Ss will be reminded on how to find the general idea of long texts without reading the whole texts (reading the first and last paragraphs). Then, they will be asked to read the first paragraph and spot the main issue the text focuses on. Later,they will be directed to read the last paragraphs and spot if everyone supports circular economy.
T put the students in groups of three to start the jigsaw reading. Each student will be responsible of reading 2 paragraphs (except the first and the last ones). They will be given some time to read their paragraphs silently and then share the information with their group members in the order of their paragraphs. T will be monitoring meanwhile. Next, Ss will answer some detailed questions through the whisper game. Ss (within their groups) will stand in line to whisper and write some questions about the text on the board. Later, they will find the answers to these questions in the text (they will be directed to paragraphs to save time).
T will show the Ss an example of how some countries legislate laws to act against waste as a form of circular economy. T will set the debate on whether this law can be applicable in Turkey. Ss will be divided into two teams and will be given a couple of minutes to brainstorm ideas. Then, they will start the debate.