Gökhan Gökhan

Empower B1+ 10B
Pre-Intermediate (B1) level


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Use the third conditional to talk about imagined past events. Use expressions with do, make, and take in context. Discuss the concept of luck and serendipity, and how to make the most of opportunities.


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Main Aims

  • To provide practice of the usage of the third conditional to talk about imagined past events.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Use expressions with do, make, and take in context.


Warm-Up (10 minutes) (8-10 minutes) • Activate prior knowledge about luck and opportunities.

Write the question on the board: "Do you think luck is important in life? Why or why not?" Students discuss in pairs, then share their ideas with the class. Follow up with: "Have you ever had really good or bad luck? What happened?" Elicit a few examples from students.

Pre-Reading (10 minutes) (8-10 minutes) • Predict the content of the reading text.

Show the photos from the reading text (from 10B). Ask: "What do you think these stories are about?" Students discuss in pairs and share their predictions with the class.

Reading (15 minutes) (13-15 minutes) • Read for gist and specific information.

Students read the article "Searching for Serendipity" (from UNIT 10). Task 1: Underline the correct words in the summary of Dr. Makri's ideas (from O VOCABULARY). Task 2: Answer the comprehension questions: Did Wendy have good handwriting? Was Anna's business successful? Did she meet Matt? Students check answers in pairs.

Vocabulary Focus (15 minutes) (13-15 minutes) • Practice expressions with do, make, and take.

ask 1: Students complete the summary of Dr. Makri's ideas by choosing the correct verb (do, make, take). Task 2: Students match the expressions to their meanings (e.g., take a risk, make the most of, do research). Extension: In pairs, students create sentences using the expressions.

Grammar Focus: Third Conditional (20 minutes) (18-20 minutes) • Understand and use the third conditional.

Presentation: Write the third conditional structure on the board: If + past perfect, would have + past participle. Example: If Wendy had had better handwriting, Anna wouldn’t have met Matt. Task 1: Students underline the correct words in the third conditional sentences (from GRAMMAR). Task 2: Students write third conditional sentences about the people in the article (Anna, Wendy, Matt, etc.). Task 3: Students compare their sentences in pairs.

Speaking Activity: "What If?" (15 minutes) (15-17 minutes) • Practice speaking using the third conditional.

Task 1: Students tell a story about a past event that made their life better (from SPEAKING). Topics: A good friend and how you met them. A sport or hobby and how you started doing it. An accident and how it happened. Students take notes and prepare their stories. Task 2: In pairs, students take turns telling their stories. Task 3: Students ask each other questions using the third conditional: "What would have happened if you hadn’t gone to that school?" "What if you hadn’t met that friend?"

Wrap-Up and Reflection (5 minutes) (5-10 minutes) • Reflect on the lesson and consolidate learning.

Ask: "Do you think people make their own luck? Why or why not?" Students share their thoughts. Recap the third conditional structure and expressions with do, make, and take.


Write a short paragraph (100-150 words) about a time when you made the most of an opportunity. Use the third conditional and at least three expressions with do, make, or take.

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