Gökhan Gökhan

Empower B1+ 10A
Pre-Intermediate (B1) level


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Use the second conditional to talk about hypothetical situations. Use adjectives with prepositions correctly. Discuss sports and fitness activities, and express preferences.


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Main Aims

  • To provide practice of Second Conditional in the context of Sports

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of sports adjectives in the context of sports


Warmer/Lead-in (10-12 minutes) • Activate prior knowledge about sports and fitness.

Show photos of different sports (from 10A-1). Ask: "What is happening in each photo? How do you think the people are feeling?" Students discuss in pairs and share their ideas with the class. Extension: Add more sports to categories (winter sports, ball sports, water sports).

Vocabulary: Sport (15 minutes) (15-16 minutes) • Learn and practice sport-related vocabulary

Task 1: Students match the sports in the pictures with the sentences (from VOCABULARY Sport). Example: "It’s an extreme sport." → Rock climbing. Task 2: Students check the meanings of the bold words (e.g., workout, points, bad shots). Task 3: In pairs, students discuss: "Which sports have you tried?" "Which sports do you think are the most exciting/dangerous?"

Listening: Scuba Diving and The Color Run (15 minutes) (15-17 minutes) • Practice listening for specific information.

Task 1: Students listen to Gina and Libby talking about scuba diving and The Color Run (from LISTENING). Task 2: Students answer the questions: Why do they like each sport? What do they agree to do at the end? Task 3: Students listen again and discuss: "Which sport sounds more exciting/dangerous?" "Which would you rather try? Why?"

Grammar Focus: Second Conditional (20 minutes) (18-20 minutes) • Understand and use the second conditional.

Write the second conditional structure on the board: If + past simple, would + infinitive. Example: If I was fitter, I’d do it! Task 1: Students underline the correct words to complete the rules (from GRAMMAR). Task 2: Students write second conditional sentences about themselves (from TICK). Example: If I could run long distances, I’d enter a marathon. Task 3: Students compare their sentences in pairs.

Vocabulary: Adjectives and Prepositions (15 minutes) (15-16 minutes) • Practice using adjectives with prepositions.

Task 1: Students complete sentences with the correct prepositions (from 5 VOCABULARY). Example: I was worried about it before we went into the water. Task 2: Students underline the correct prepositions in sentences (from 5c). Example: I’m afraid of hurting myself. Task 3: Students tick the sentences that are true for them and change the others to make them true.

Speaking: "What Would You Do?" (10 minutes) (10-13 minutes) • Practice speaking using the second conditional.

Task 1: Students make notes about what they would do if they had certain opportunities (from 6 SPEAKING). Example: "If you could learn a new skill or sport, what would you learn? Why?" Task 2: In pairs, students compare their ideas and discuss: "Would you like to do the things your partner would like to do?"

Wrap-Up and Reflection (5 minutes) (5 minutes) • Reflect on the lesson and consolidate learning.

Ask: "What new sport or activity would you like to try? Why?" Recap the second conditional structure and adjectives with prepositions.


Write a short paragraph (100-150 words) about a sport or activity you would like to try. Use the second conditional and at least three adjectives with prepositions.

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