Vocab lesson
B2 level
Main Aims
By the end of the lesson, learners will have improved their understanding and use of idioms related to personality traits.
Subsidiary Aims
Learners will also develop their ability to use synonyms, analyze word forms, and practice pronunciation of idioms in a natural context.
Procedure (46-60 minutes)
Lead-in (3 min): Ask: "What do you like about your best friend or sibling?" Pair discussion. Model and demonstrate using ICQs. Elicit responses and introduce adjectives (reliable, resilient, easy-going). Quick feedback.
Work alone: Match the idioms to their meanings. Check answers with a partner. Teacher reads the meaning, students provide the idiom.
Teach (MFP - Meaning, Form, Pronunciation): Meaning: Elicit synonyms. Use CCQs and provide situational examples. Personalization: Ask students if they know someone who fits a certain idiom. Form: Identify which idioms use "to be" and which use "to have." Highlight hedging (e.g., "A bit of a goldfish" to soften tone). Explain compound adjectives (e.g., quick-tempered). Pronunciation: Focus on linking, catenation, and intrusion. Practice phrases: "Down to earth," "Heart of gold," "Pain in the neck." Model and drill pronunciation. Pair practice.
Test (Application - 5 min): Work alone: Replace words in sentences with idioms. Peer feedback.
Production (Speaking Task - 8 min): Group work: Talk about two people they like and one they don’t. One minute to prepare. Students share in small groups. Whole-class feedback.