Healthy Body Healthy Mind Unit 8 Lesson 6
Year 3 level
Main Aims
Students will be able to recognize and pronounce the /aw/ sound in words containing "ou" and "ow."
Subsidiary Aims
Students will be able to differentiate the /aw/ sound from other vowel sounds. Students will be able to read and spell simple words containing the /aw/ sound. Students will participate actively and cooperatively in group activities.
Procedure (25-35 minutes)
Teacher leads a quick vocal warm-up, stretching the mouth and making various vowel sounds. This prepares students for focusing on the target sound. Teacher can also show a phonics video song after.
Teacher shows picture flashcards one by one, clearly pronouncing the word and emphasizing the /aw/ sound. Examples: cow, house, cloud. Students repeat the word chorally. Teacher writes the words on the board, underlining the "ou" or "ow" spelling pattern.
Teacher says a variety of words, some with the /aw/ sound and some with other vowel sounds. Students indicate (ex. thumbs up/thumbs down or by moving to different sides of the room) whether they hear the /aw/ sound. This helps differentiate the target sound.
Word Card Race Divide the class into 2 or 3 teams. Spread out word cards containing "ou" and "ow" spellings face down on a table. Teacher calls out a word containing the /aw/ sound (ex. "brown"). One student from each team races to find the matching word card. The first student to find the correct card and pronounce the word correctly wins a point for their team. This combines sound recognition with reading skills.
Sentence Creation with /aw/ Words Divide the class into small groups. Give each group a set of word cards containing "ou" and "ow" spellings. Each group must create as many sentences as possible within the time limit, using at least two words with the /aw/ sound in each sentence. Example: "The brown cow is now in the ground." Groups can share their most creative or funny sentences with the class. This encourages creative use of the target sound in context.