Healthy Body Healthy Mind Unit 8 Lesson 1
Year 3 level
Main Aims
Students will be able to identify and name common ailments and use the target structure to ask and answer questions about health problems.
Subsidiary Aims
Students will be able to pronounce the target vocabulary accurately. Students will be able to understand and respond to questions about their health. Students will participate actively and cooperatively in group activities.
Procedure (28-35 minutes)
"Simon Says" Body Parts Teacher leads a quick game of "Simon Says" using body parts, including some of the target vocabulary (back, shoulder, stomach). This energizes the class and reviews related vocabulary. Example: "Simon says touch your shoulder! Simon says touch your back!"
"Mime It!" Teacher mimes different ailments, exaggerating the actions. For example, holding a hand to a sore throat for "sore neck," clutching a stomach for "stomachache," sneezing for "a cold," coughing for "a cough," pointing to a tooth for "toothache." Students guess the ailment. Teacher writes the word on the board as they are guessed. This provides visual and kinesthetic context for the new vocabulary.
Teacher flashes the vocabulary flashcards one by one, saying the word clearly. Students repeat chorally. Focus on pronunciation, particularly the “th” sound in “teeth” and the stress in “stomachache.”
"What's the Matter?" Flashcard Game Divide the class into 2 or 3 teams. Teacher holds up a flashcard. The first student from each team to correctly say "What's the matter with you?" and then answer with the correct ailment ("I've got a…") wins a point for their team. Example: Teacher shows "toothache" flashcard. Student says, "What's the matter with you?" Teacher (or another student) answers, "I've got a toothache." This game allows controlled practice of both the question and answer structures.
"Doctor, Doctor!" Role-Play Relay Divide the class into the same teams as before. Each team lines up. The first student in each line is the "patient," and the second is the "doctor." The "patient" acts out having one of the ailments (without speaking). The "doctor" asks, "What's the matter with you?" The "patient" whispers the ailment to the teacher (or a designated helper). The "doctor" must then guess the ailment and say, "You've got a…". If correct, they get a point. If incorrect, they can try again. After the "doctor" correctly identifies the ailment, they become the new "patient," and the next person in line becomes the "doctor." The relay continues. This game encourages spontaneous speaking within a structured context.
Health Problem Charades" Divide the class into the same teams. One student from each team volunteers to act out a health problem without speaking. They can choose from the ailments learned or even make up their own (within reason). Their team members must ask "What's the matter with you?" and try to guess the ailment. They can ask follow-up questions like "Does your head hurt?" or "Is it your stomach?" to help them. The first team to correctly guess the ailment gets a point. Rotate students so everyone gets a chance to act. This allows students to use the target language more freely and creatively, encouraging them to think on their feet and use a wider range of vocabulary.