TP 3 - Lexis
Upper intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of a TL based around prefixes in the context of the Digital Era
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency speaking practice in the context of specific prefixes through a personalised discussion..
Procedure (39-45 minutes)
Step1: Have Ss look at the photo slide 1 PP Open class discussion -Ask: What do you think today's lesson's topic is going to be? -Ask: Do you think that the internet is good for us or bad for us? Why? -Ask: What do you think are the negative and positive things about the internet? (brainstorm) Use the annotate function to put down some of the answers of Ss.
Let's have a look at our today's text which will server us as a context for today's topic which is vocabulary and prefixes. -Share G- forms via chat -Screenshare G-forms + DEMO drop downs, match the topics A to D paragraphs 1-4. -4 minutes, submit answers -Individual -ICQs -OCFB, G - forms skip the correct answers -Answers: a) 4, b) 2, c) 1, d) 3 Ask: Can you imagine living without the internet? Why not? What might be the advantages?
Let's focus on vocabulary and prefixes now. Step 1: Highlighting + Meaning of prefixes Show Figma. Go over the example to demonstrate what has to be done. Share the link to Figma and tell each Ss which slide is theirs. Individually, 4 minutes ICQs Monitor OCFB - Figma FB 3 minutes Elicit the answers 1 student 1 prefix + meaning + example from the text + stress Answers: Pre - before - preview, pre-WAR Post - after - postGRAduate, post-WAR Under- not enough-underVAlued,underQUAlified Over - too much - overEstimate,overQUAlified Multi- many - multiNAtional,multiCULtural Ex- used to be - ex-vice PREsident, ex-SMOker Non - not - non-scienTIfically, non-STOP Step 2:Show PP slides 2-8. One student one word. 2 minutes for each. Elicit the MFP through CCQs Let Ss read the examples to check pronunciation and then drill with the class. Form is covered through the CCQs 1. Preview What do you do when you preview a movie?" (You watch it before it’s officially released.) Is it a thing, an action, or a description? (a thing) What´s the verb form of a preview? (To preview) Where's the stress? PRE-view 2. Postgraduate Would a postgraduate degree be a bachelor's degree or a master's/PhD?" (A master's or PhD) Does "postgraduate" tell us what the student is doing or what the student is like?(like - adjective) What would be the noun of this adjective? (a postgraduate) Where's the stress? Post-GRAD-uate 3.Undervalued If something is undervalued, is it seen as more important or less important than it really is?" (Less important) If I say, "His undervalued contributions were ignored," what kind of word is undervalued? (adjective) Can we touch it or see it ?(no) What´s the verb form of this adjective?(To undervalue) Where's the stress? un-DER-va-lued 4.Overestimate If you overestimate something, do you think it's more or less than it really is?" (More) Is "overestimated" telling us about a thing or an action? (action) What's the noun form of this verb? (An overestimate) Where's the stress? over-E-sti-mate 5.Multionational Is a multinational company located in only one country or many countries?" (Many countries) The multinational company opened a new office in Europe.Does "multinational" tell us what the company is doing or what the company is like? (what its like-adjective) What´s the noun form of this adjective? (A multionational company) Where's the stress ? Mul-ti-NA-tion-al 6.Ex-vice president If someone is an ex-vice president, do they still hold the position?" (No) Is "ex-vice president" telling us what the person is doing or what the person is? (is - noun) Where's the stress? ex-vice PRE-si-dent. 7.Non-scientifically "If something is done non-scientifically, is it based on facts and experiments?" (No) Does "non-scientifically" tell us how or when something happened? (How - adverb) What would be the adjective form of this word? (non-scientific) Where's the stress? non-sci-en-TIF-i-cal-ly.
-Share G- forms via chat -Screenshare G-forms + DEMO select the best definition for each word with its prefix + Fill in the Blanks -4 minutes, submit answers -Individual -ICQs -OCFB, G - forms skip the correct answers -Answers: 1a, 2c, 3b, 4a, 5b, 6c, 7a 8preview, 9postgraduate,10undervalued,11overestimate,12multionational,13ex-vice president, 14. non-scientifically
Speaking time! Show Ss slide 9 PP Share A and B Qs in the chatbox + follow-up questions stimul+ prompts Explain - Work in BORs in pairs, One student is A the other is B. Work with your partner take turns to ask and answer the questions.. Try to ask follow-up questions using the examples in the chatbox. 8 minutes ICQs Monitor OCFB some of examples from the class DEC A 1. Have you ever been overcharged for something in a store or restaurant? 2. What’s the most interesting thing you’ve done post-pandemic? 3. Do you have any ex-classmates or friends you still keep in touch with? 4. Can you think of a non-traditional job that you would like to try? 5. What do you usually do pre-holiday to prepare? 6. Have you ever felt under-prepared for a test or important event? 7. Do you live in a multicultural city or area? What’s it like? B 1.Which films or TV programs do you think are overrated? 2. Do you know anyone who has done or is doing a postgraduate degree? 3. Do you keep in touch with any ex-girlfriends/boyfriends? 4. if you were a multimillionaire, what would you spend your money on? 5. How do you usually feel pre-meeting, like before a big interview or presentation? 6. Have you ever felt under-appreciated at work or school? 7. Which professions do you think are underpaid?