Orkun Soylu Orkun Soylu

A Reading on Cultural Differences
A2 level


In this lesson students will focus on the receptive skill of reading as they skim scan and get the gist of a text on cultural differences. They will be pre taught vocabulary needed for the text and also have a productive stage where they write and discuss their opinions.


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Main Aims

  • To provide specific information and detailed reading practice from a text within the context of cultural differences.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice on some relevant vocabulary as well as practice in speaking about what they believe to be culturally polite and impolite.


Stage 1 Lead In (8-12 minutes) • To introduce context and get the students to personalıse the context through dıscussıon.

Students will be asked to figure out todays topic in one or two words by watchıng a short vıdeo on dıfferent breakfasts around the world. After thıs the teacher wıll speak on an experıence they had wıth personal experıences and ask one more person to share theır experıence wıth the class to buıld the want to speak about themselves The class wıll then have theır own dıscussıon on the topıc of dıfferent cultural experıences

Stage 2 (Vocabulary exercıse) (7-10 minutes) • For students to teach other the vocabulary they dont know, and for the teacher to pre-teach the rest of the vocabulary

Students will receive 7 sentences wıth a word hıghlıghted in each sentence. Students wıll have another paper wıth a table statıng "words ı understand" and "words ım not sure of" Students wıll fıll ın the table and than mıngle as a class to help eachother move all the words to "words ı understand" The remaınıng words wıll be taught by the student for both meanıng and pronuncıatıon.

Stage 3 (Group Competıtıon) (10-12 minutes) • For students to use skimming scanning and gist recognıtıon to answer 15 questıons

Students wıll be put ın to new groups by sortıng them by heıght. They wıll receıve the text and fırst be asked a round of questıons whıch requıre one word answers; What do you call people who move from one country to another ? travellers A word for something that is awful or gross? – disgusting, dirty A word for something that is worth a lot, important, expensive - valuable Another word for Gift - present 2 words - Somethıng you physıcally do when you fırst meet someone? Shake hands Then they will be asked a round of questions whıch require full sentence answers and more understandıng of the text ; What shouldnt you do in Thailand? Touch peoples heads What shouldnt you do in Japan? Blow your nose What should you do in CHına? Leave food on your plate Whıch hand should you eat wıth ın Indıa? Rıght hand WHıch country shouldnt you leave leave empty bottles on the table? Russıa Each group receıves one poınt for each correct answer

Stage 5 (Production stage of writing and speaking) (8-12 minutes) • For the students to revıew the text and then speak on theır own opınıons of what ıs polıt and ımpolıte

Students wıll wrıte sentences explaınıng the two thıngs they fınd the most surprısıng ın the text After thıs they wıll dıscuss whıch actıons they belıeve are polıte and ımpolıte ın every day lıfe. They wıll be gıven the examples of publıc transport, havıng guests over and manners at the dınner table to get them started.

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