Dania Lucia Rodriguez Mejia Dania Lucia Rodriguez Mejia

Functional Language: Asking for a favour
Upper- intermediate level


In this lesson, SS will be engaged in reviewing and practicing useful functional language that is used for asking for a favour and how to respond to them, either granting or refusing the favour. In the beginning of the lesson, SS will get the context from four conversations they will listen. By using marker sentences from the listening, the SS will answer a series of questions that will help them to “discover” the meaning and the structure of the target language, while working on a receptive skill development practice . After, the teacher will clarify the pronunciation. At the end, they will work on a productive skill activity to speak and use the functional language of the lesson.


Abc 1a Worksheet
Abc 2a Worksheet
Abc Pictures- OHP
Abc Transcription (Conversations)
Abc 3a Cards, words in order
Abc 3b Answer key
Abc Audios: Conversations 2.11 -2.14

Main Aims

  • To provide review, clarification and practice of language and function exponents of how to ask for a favour and possible ways of replaying to them, granting or refusing, in the context of formal and casual situations.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about four conversations where people are asking for favours and replying to them in the context of looking for functional exponents as marker sentences of the TL.
  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a semi controlled activity of a conversation in the context of asking for favours and granting or refusing them.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students by introducing and creating interest in the topic using a picture work and a quick speaking activity.

- Have the OHP ready with the four pictures to display. - Introduce the lesson by asking the SS to look at the pictures that will be displayed. - Ask them what favour they think these people are doing for their friends. (Watering plants, possibly while their owner is on holiday. Feeding the cat. Helping with a computer problem. Helping someone move house ). -If needed, clarify the meaning of favour: something that someone does to help other person, and use CCQ´s: Is a favour a good thing? Yes. Is it something I have to do? No. Is it my own choice? Yes. Does it help the other person? Yes. - PW: Speaking practice. Give them time to think and talk in pairs about other favours they might ask somebody to do. They can try to make a list. Give an example. - WCFB: Ask them to go to the WB, one of each pair can go and write some examples of favours in one side of the WB. ( Keep the list of common favours in the WB to use later in the S practice)

Introduce the TL in context. (10-15 minutes) • To present the functional language in context by listening to a series of conversations.

-Tell the SS that they will listen to four conversations of people asking for a favour and people replying to them. - For each conversation, they have to note down answers for the following questions. .What is the relationship between the people in the conversation. . Where they are. .What favour is being asked. -Tell the SS they have to do it alone. -Tell them they will write the answers in the first section of the paper the teacher is giving (and ask them to fold it). -ICQ's: Are you doing the task alone? Yes. Which part are you going to answer? Section 1. -Hand out the 1a Worksheet. -Pause the recording after each one conversation so they have time to write the answers. -PW: to check answers. Monitor closely during the peer checking to get an idea on how much they could understand from the recording. - Tell the SS they will listen again to the recording and this time they have to mark the correct answer in the section 2 of the paper. . How does the person asked react? .Does he/she grant or refuse the favour? -Clarify briefly “refuse” and “grant”. -GW: group work to discuss all the answers. Monitore closely. -WCFB: Get feedback and check if they understood the difference in the situations (formal and casual) and the degrees of politeness -Give them the transcript of the conversations. It will be useful for the next activities.

Language focus: To draw student´s attention to the items of the functional language (12-16 minutes) • Using a marker sentence, the students answer a series of questions that will help them to “discover” the meaning and the form of the target language, with a pronunciation work and the end.

- Grouping, by the colours in their HO1. 1. - PW: Tell the SS they will work in pairs and they will be given a paper they have to fold in order to answer the question in the first part. - Tell them they will find sentences taken from the recording about three ways of asking for a favour. They have to find out which one is the most direct. - Hand out 2a Worksheet. - While they are working, write the sentences in the WB (in order, starting from the most direct) - Get FB: Point out that the longer the structure of the question, the more indirect and (usually) more polite and formal it is. 2. -WG: Tell the SS, they will work in groups to put the words in order to form a sentence or question is used to ask for a favour. -Give each group, 3 piles of cards. -Give them time to work and monitor closely. -HO the 3b Answer key paper. - Focus on the form of the TL, elicit the form from them. 3. Drill each one of the phrases in the WB (students should be able to pronounce these phrases intelligibly). 4. Ask them to go back to the last sheet and unfold the paper to complete the table with the phrases that are used for granting or refusing to do a favour. Tell them to do it alone. - GW to check answers. - Get FB by drawing the same table than in the HO, so each a few people of each group can go and write the answers. Clarifify the function if needed and some phrases (I'm afraid- used as a polite way of telling somebody bad news). Drill each one of the phrases.

Follow up: Productive Task - Speaking (5-8 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice the TL in a meaningful, real-context in a speaking activity practicing oral skills focused on accuracy.

- Mingling activity: Using the expressions, the ways of asking for a favour and granting and refusing them, and using the list of favours written in the WB or the ones in the answer key, work with a partner and take turns to roleplay asking for a favour and giving a reply. First, they will talk as two friends in a casual situation, as two colleagues at work in a formal situation, or if they want, as two strangers in the street. When they finished with the situations they can look for another partner. -Give SS time to prepare for the activity. Make a demo. -Ask them to stand up and start. - Circulate carefully. While monitor try to correct if there is any misuse of the TL. Pick up some of them to write in the WB before the activity finishes.

Feedback and Error Correction (4-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

- Error correction of the TL. Write a couple of mistakes with the target language and elicit from students the correct form by asking: What is wrong with these sentences? Is needed, some of the phrases will be reviewed again.

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