Grade 3 - Lesson #40 - Grade 3 Level
Grade 3 level
Main Aims
Students develop listening skills and understand texts about after-school clubs
Students learn the structure of an ad for an after-school club and get ready to develop writing skills at home.
Subsidiary Aims
Students learn how to join sentences in writing using AND and BUT
Procedure (36-45 minutes)
Teacher looks through the homework in WBs
Teacher shows a picture with children having fun at after-school clubs in StB p. 66. Teacher asks the class: Where are they? What can they do in an after-school club? What after-school clubs has our school got? Teacher helps with vocabulary and writes on the board all the ideas.
Students in pairs match pictures and activities in ex. 1 They predict what activities children can do at each club.
Students listen and match speakers with clubs in ex. 2
Students predict in pairs what words are missing in ex. 3 They use their memory. Then they listen and check and write in the missing words.
Students discuss in pairs what club they would like to go to and why. Then Teacher asks each pair, they vote for the most popular club.
Students read the ad in ex. 5 and circle who the club is for. Teacher pre-teaches the term "ad" / "advertisement". Teacher asks: What questions does the ad answer? (What can you do? Where? When?) What's at the end of the ad? - Call to action: "See you there!"
Students in pairs find all the words AND and BUT in the ad. Then they do ex. 6 and fill the gaps.
Teacher draws the students' attention to the plan in ex. 7 and asks to write an ad for an after-school club at home in the notebook. The ad should have the structure from ex. 6, answer the same questions and have at least 7 sentences. There should be at least one sentence with AND and one with BUT.
StB p. 66 ex. 7 - write an ad for an after-school club WB p. 49 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5