Patrick William Daniel O'Donovan Patrick William Daniel O'Donovan

TP8 - Grammar - Present continious
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will get practice with the present continuous tense through a range of controlled and free practice. They will have a controlled task based on a text; they will be given the chance to use this to create their own dialogue. As well as this, students use their own interests and hobbies to practice their communicative skills for real-life application. The present continuous tense can be difficult to review because, by drawing on past experience, students want to talk in the past tense, so the class will be encouraged to role play and act as if this is a conversation happening out of the classroom environment.


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Main Aims

  • To provide review and practice of the present continuous in the context of hobbies and daily activities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of hobbies and daily activities
  • To provide clarification of the present continuous tense in the context of hobbies and daily activities
  • To provide opportunities for S2S interaction with speaking practcie and allow students to build upon the LO of the class and create their own dialogues, drawing on their own experiences.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students by talking about hobbies

Students will be shown realia of things they can do in their free time. Teacher will give a model answer and invite students to talk about what they enjoy. At this point, picture recognition is enough but encourage full sentences through teachers model answer. Look for students who struggle with thinking of their own experience and hobbies as they may struggle later.

Exposure (8-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a conversation

Students will read a text generated by the teacher, which exposes them to the target language. They will be given two-three simple questions about the text, which encourages them to recognise that they are being asked about a moment in the present and not recalling a past memory.

Highlighting (3-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Explain to students the MFP of the present continious tense. Here, use timelines and CCQs to check understanding. Refer to the examples from the text so students can read around it and pick up context from what was previously discussed.

Clarification (10-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Here Ss will get teh chance to make notes and try to elicit meanings of the target grammar. Use animations and try to get students to highlight when we use it, but use timelines in case of confusion. Students will be asked after clarification to try to use the language in front of them to create their own examples based on their own life. After this, break down form in positive and negative and with different subjects. Following this, give brief explanation of the pronunciation. In a bid to reduce TTT, try to elicit first if there are any problems. If all students have good pronunciation, this can be skipped.

Semi-Controlled Practice (10-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Ss have a form on Google forms where they rearrange sentences in to the correct order to show they can understand the form. They will do this for 5 minutes. Make sure to do a model answer first with the whole class. Following this, break students in to break out rooms and then let them cover the answers themselves whilst the teacher monitors for DEC before giving answers.

Free Practice (10-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

In this activity, students are given a chart for inspiration and have to use their Oral ability to discuss how they & their partner are the same or different. For example, "I am speaking" "She isn't speaking". Students can use the PPT slide for inspiration or try to do it themselves with their own ideas. After 3 minutes, mix the pairs and let them try with new people. Then, bring back to the main room for DEC and group examples.

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