Bethany Bethany

Shopping For Groceries
CLB 1-2 level


In this lesson, students will be able to understand (listen) grocery store food items and what aisle to find them in a grocery store.


Main Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a transcript about specific items found in a grocery store

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of a specific items found in a grocery store in the context of Shopping in a grocery store
  • To provide fluency speaking practice about specific items found in a grocery store


Warmer/Lead-in (10-12 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

To begin the lesson, the teacher would ask students to think about their favourite food is, and what types of ingredients they would need to make it. The teacher would give an example, showing a picture, and sharing their favourite food. IE. I would share that my favourite dessert is chocolate chip cookies, and some ingredients that are needed to make those are flour, sugar, butter, eggs, and chocolate chips. Once they had thought about their favourite food/dessert, they would turn to their neighbour and share with each other. After 3-5 minutes of sharing, the teacher would pick a few groups to share what they had learned.

Pre-Reading/Listening (15-18 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Teacher would begin the game by showing students the vocabulary list with pictures. Teacher would say the words of the items and ask the class to repeat saying the word.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (20-25 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

After the vocabulary review, we would play a game of BINGO. I would ask each student to fill out a bingo card with words from the list we have gone over. Then I would begin calling out different words from the list, and students would mark their own bingo sheets to play the game. Would play 2 or 3 rounds of this game

While-Reading/Listening #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

After the Bingo vocabulary review, Teacher would review the different aisles of a grocery store. Using the picture vocabulary sheet again, teacher would focus on the words used for the different sections in a grocery store, ie. bakery, meat, dairy, etc. Teacher would hand out different pictures of grocery items to each student and then would call out different sections of the grocery store. If the students' photo was in that section of the grocery store, the student would stand up. Teacher would go over any words that might be in the incorrect section based on the students undrstanding

Post-Reading/Listening (20-30 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Teacher would hand out page with floor plan of a grocery store. Teacher would go over the different aisles of the grocery store that are on the page. Then students would cut out and glue different items onto the map after listening to the transcript. . The chicken is in the meat section. 2. The broccoli is in the produce section. 3. The eggs are in the dairy section. 4. The rice is in aisle 3. 5. The oranges are in the produce section. 6. The milk is in the dairy section. 7. The pasta is in aisle 4. 8. The bananas are in the produce section. 9. The sugar is in aisle 3. 10. The bread is in the bakery. Once completed, teacher would go over completed answers. Then students would have 5-10 minutes to practice telling their partner where the items in the grocery store is. Example " The rice is in aisle 3." Teacher would then ask students to tell their partner where they would find items to make their favourite food. To end, teacher would bring groups back to the full class and ask students to share where they would find their grocery items. End of Class

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