Carolina Espinosa Carolina Espinosa

Functional Language (Health & Well-being)
A1 level


Students will learn useful expressions for talking about health in everyday situations (e.g., when someone is feeling unwell at work, school, or home).


Abc Zoom Plattform
Abc Google Slides
Abc Google Docs

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of functional language for talking about health problems

Subsidiary Aims

  • To develop students' speaking fluency and confidence by engaging in role-play activities, where they will practice asking about someone's health, expressing sympathy, and giving advice in natural, real-life conversations.
  • To improve listening comprehension of health-related conversations.


Lead-in (3-6 minutes) • To introduce the topic and expose students to the target language in context.

°Show images of sick people and ask: "What do you think is wrong with them?"(Google Slides) °Elicit responses: "Maybe she has a fever," "He looks tired," etc. °Guide Ss. matching some of the persons with the sentences °Introduce the topic: Talking about health & giving advice.

Exposure (Listening task) (5-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a situation

°Listening Task (Exercise 4B - Face to Face Book): CD3 track20 ° Play the audio of Rachel and Tim’s conversation. °Students listen and match who says what. °Peer-check answers, then review as a class.OCFB Answer Key: Google Slide 1 I feel sick C I've got a cough G My back hurts F Google Slide 2 I've got a terrible stomachache Simon Maybe you're right Simon You should go to the doctor Rachel I hope you get better soon Rachel

Clarification MFP (7-10 minutes) • To help students recognize and practice key expressions in context.

Language Focus (Exercise 5 - Face to Face Book): Display a table with three categories: ° Asking about health (Are you OK? / What’s the matter?). °Expressing sympathy (Oh dear! I’m sorry to hear that.). ° Giving advice (Why don’t you go home? / You should see a doctor.). Students complete the table by filling in missing words. Class discussion and pronunciation practice.OCFB Answer key: 2alright 3What's 5Dear 6Hope 7Well 8Get 9Don't 10Shouldn't Explain Meaning Form and pronunciation through CCQ's Are you OK? Is this question about health? (Yes) / Do I know if the person is sick? (No) What’s wrong? Does this mean I think something is not normal? (Yes) You should see a doctor. Is this giving advice? (Yes) / Does the person have to see a doctor? (No, it’s a suggestion) Asking about health: Are you OK? → Are ( ) + you ( ) + OK? ( ). Identify the: Subject Adjective Verb Expressing sympathy: Oh dear! → Exclamation phrase or question? Exclamation Phrase Pronunciation Drills: °Model and drill key phrases with correct intonation and stress.

Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

*"The CELTA tutor asked to include this stage in the lesson plan but not to execute it during the teaching practice due to the limited time available for the lesson." Matching Activity: °Provide students with a worksheet containing two columns: Column A: Questions or statements (e.g., "I have a headache.") Column B: Possible responses (e.g., "You should take some medicine.") °Students match the correct response to each statement. Peer-check answers, then review as a class.OCFB

Freer Practice (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

°Role-play (Exercise 9A - Face to Face Book) °Tutor gives a demo before: Student A (Sick person): Oh no, I feel terrible! Student B (Friend): Oh dear! What’s the matter? Student A: I have a terrible headache, and I feel really tired. Student B: I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe you should rest and drink plenty of water. Student A: Yeah, you’re right. I think I’ll go home and take the day off. Student B: Good idea! If you don’t feel better, you should see a doctor. Student A: Thanks for your advice! °Students choose an illness and create a short conversation.BOR's °One student is sick, the other expresses sympathy and gives advice. °Perform in pairs, then volunteer performances for the class. Tutor conducts OCFB

Feedback (2-6 minutes) • To provide corrective feedback and address common errors observed during freer practice.

°T. opens a Google Doc to write and correct common errors observed during freer practice. °T. provides explanations : ❌ "What did you have?" (instead of "What’s the matter?" or "What’s wrong?") ❌ "You must go to the doctor." (when giving advice, "You should go to the doctor." is more appropriate) Lack of empathy expressions or incorrect usage ❌ "Oh, you are sick. Go home." (Too direct, lacks empathy) ✅ Better: "Oh no! I’m sorry to hear that. You should get some rest."). °T. says goodbye to the class.

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