Butler TP 8
Upper intermediate level
Main Aims
Students will practice their writing skills in the context of biographies.
Subsidiary Aims
Students will practice reading for gist
Students will develop fluency by talking about their own interests and knowledge
Procedure (39-48 minutes)
Set-up: T shows images of biographies of different well-known famous people. T elicits from Ss who these people are, then asks if they like to learn about famous people's lives Task: Ss share their answers to first question, as well as what person would they like to learn more about. Feedback: OCFB Transition: T asks Ss what these kinds of books are in the pictures and elicits 'biographies' from Ss. T asks if someone needs to be famous to have a biography (no) then shares that we will be discussing and writing biographies today
Set-up: T tells Ss that they are now going to read a short biography and answer questions. T shows Ss questions and clarifies any confusion they have. They answer the first question together as a class Task: T shares biography and questions in Google Form. Ss read for gist Feedback: Ss check answers in pairs if time allows. OCFB Transition: Let's look at the underlined language from the text.
Set-up: T shows the text where the useful language is modeled and elicits from Ss the TL Task: T guides Ss to discover the MFP of "born and raised in", "passionate about", "as a kid/child" and "to this day" Feedback: OCFB Transition: This is some language that will be useful to you when you are writing your biographies!
Set-up: T tells students so select one of the options (My sporting hero,My grandfather/mother, My oldest and dearest friend, My favorite movie star, A musical legend) and write a few notes on their lives (3 minutes). T then tells Ss to, with a partner, select one of their choices and write an 8-10 sentence biography about them together Task: Ss write biographies in BORs. T monitors Feedback: Ss share what they wrote about in main room Transition: Let's review what you wrote
Set-up: T explains that Ss will now share their biographies in groups Task: In BORs, Ss share their biographies with each other. T monitors Feedback: Ss come back to main room and T conducts DEC