Zamara Zamara

Pre Intermediate level


In this grammar lesson, being the last of this course for me, students will be able to share their future plans and arrangements. They will also practice both accuracy (correct grammar usage) and fluency (natural, confident speaking) while discussing what they are going to do with friends or family. They will learn how to use Present Continuous and ‘going to’ to express their thoughts.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of present continuous in the context of future plans

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of future plans


Warmer/Lead-in (5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will present a slide with many pictures of possible activities for the weekend. I will start by sharing what I would be doing. This time I will not as somebody else what they are doing first because I want to emphasize using the present continuous. So I will respond "I'm watching the super bowl this weekend!" Afterwards, I'll ask a student the question and ask him to ask someone else and so on until everyone has participated. (5 minutes) "Hello everyone! Are you ready for the weekend? I know I am! I am watching the super bowl on Sunday! Ronaldo, what will you be doing this weekend?" "Now Ronaldo, please ask Juan what he will be doing this weekend"

Text Work ([gist]/intensive task) (8 minutes) • The aim is to ask students to "identify" / "notice" the TL (Present Continuous) in context.

For this stage, I will present slide 2 where I will tell students what present continuous is and also what "going to" is used for and "will" is used for since these two can be confused with when using the present continuous. (2 minute) Present Continuous is used for plans or arrangements that are already decided or scheduled. Example: "I’m meeting my friend at 7 PM." DO NOT CONFUSE IT WITH: “Going to” which is used for future intentions or plans that are less definite. Example: "I’m going to study next week." (This is an intention, but not yet scheduled.) Will is typically used for future continuous used to talk about an action that will be in progress at a specific point in the future or to describe a future event that is expected to happen. . Example: "I WILL call you tomorrow." "When we want to communicate our plans that are already scheduled or 100% decided then we use the present continuous. For example...." "Now guys, it is very important that we do not confuse this with something else like with "going to" because this is used for future INTENTIONS (emphasize). We must also not confuse the present continuous with the FUTURE continuous which we identify with the word WILL, this future continuous tells us about something that will be in progress (use hand motions) in the future or to describe something that we expect to happen NOT something that is already decided or scheduled." They will participate in a matching game on Wordwall so that they can identify the continuous verb example over some other examples that they could get confused with like "going to" and "will". Here, they can explore these options and make that connection. (5 minutes) In case of technical difficulties, I will have slide 3 prepared where they will be able to view and identify the activity by participation. "Ok guys, now for this activity I need you to please open the link in the chat box. You have 4 minutes to match the sentences with the correct form. Juan, how long do we have to finish this activity? Ronaldo, what do we have to do?" Clear instruction: For the last part of this stage, students will be asked to read the complete dialogue in pairs presented in slide 4. This is so that they can start preparing for the free practice where they will work on their fluency. Here they will have a chance to conversate using sentences accurately. (1 minutes) "Ronaldo, please start reading what person A says, Juan please answer what person B says"

M(A)FP (12 minutes) • To Clarify the TL

For all activities do the first question together to leave activity clear Form: Slide 5. For this first part of the stage we will work on form. Students will be asked to go to the link from WordWall and rearrange the sentences from the activity to follow the correct present continuous form. (4 minutes) "ok guys! Please go into the link in the chatbox and rearrange the sentence to the correct present continuous form. You have 4 minutes! Juan what do we have to do? Ronaldo, how much time do we have to do this activity?" Meaning: Slide 6. To make the activity more explorative and reinforce students' understanding of when present continuous is used for future plans I will engage them in decision-making based on scenarios on a WordWall activity. Prepare several statements about people’s future plans. Some of the sentences will use Present Continuous for arranged events, while others will use incorrect tenses (like "will" or "going to"). If there are more than 3 students then they will go into breakout rooms, if not, then the whole class will take turns reading the statements and saying whether they present continuous or not, explaining why each one is correct or incorrect (whether it's a planned event or not). (2 minutes) " ok everyone! Now, let's go into the link please choose if the example is present continuous or not present continuous. You have 2 minutes to complete the task. Ronaldo, what must we do? Juan, how long do we have?" After the students finish the task, we will as a group go over the answers. I will ask a student for every question to justify the answer they chose. (2 mintues) Example "ok Juan, number 1, is it present continuous or not present continuous?, ok, why?" 1. I will meet my friend at the park. 2. I am walking to the store at 5 pm. 3. I am going to the movies later. 4. He is selling his car online. ** Remember to justify your answer! Pronunciation: Slide 7. For this last part of this stage, students will practice emphasizing the main verbs and time markers as a pronunciation practice for the present continuous sentences. If there are more than 3 students they will go into breakout rooms and take turns identifying the main verbs and time markers to emphasize them. If there are 3 or less students then we will work on this as a whole class. First we will do it 2 or 3 times together and then I will call on someone for each sentence to try it on their own. The sentences are simple to pronounce so students can focus mostly on emphasizing the correct words. (4 minutes) " ok guys, now it's time to practice stress the main verbs and time markers, we will do the example together" "now Ronaldo, why is it important to emphasize the main verb? Juan, why is it important to emphasize the time markers? Ok guys now repeat after me 2 times with microphone off, I want to see your lips moving and emphasize the what Juan? And emphasize the what Ronaldo?" "Ronaldo please do number one, Juan please do number 2..."

Controlled Practice (6 minutes) • Focus Mainly on Accuracy

During this stage (slide 8), students will work on the Google Forms activity to fill in the blank. If there are more than 3 students they will go into breakout rooms and work in pairs, if not they will work on it individually and then we will go over it together. The sentences that will be asked to be filled out are the following: (4 minutes) I __________ (meet) my friends at the park on Saturday. She __________ (have) a party next Friday. They __________ (drive) a concert tomorrow evening. We __________ (leave) for vacation next month. "ok guys, please click on the link in the chatbox, please fill in the blank to make the sentence in present continuous form, you have 4 minutes to complete the activity" "what are we doing? For how long?" "ok, let's do this first one together" Then we will go over the answers together (2 minutes)

Free Practice (10 minutes) • The Purpose is Mainly Fluency

Slide 9. Students will work in pairs (if more than 3 students) to plan the perfect weekend together. If there are 3 or less students then they will take turns mentioning activities to create their perfect weekend. They will write their ideas in a google forms document so that they can later share with the class. (5 minutes) "Ok guys! Please click the link in the chatbox, with your partner (or alone depending on number of students) please create a short plan for a perfect weekend. You have 5 minutes. Please make your perfect weekend minimum 40 words maximum 60 words. Ronaldo, how many words must it be minimum? How much time do we have to do this, Juan?" The students will share with the class their perfect weekend (4 minutes) "Ronaldo, please share your perfect weekend with the class, Juan please..." General feedback, gratitude and closing (1 minute)

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