Alejandra Joaquin Alejandra Joaquin

TP8 Writing Alejandra Joaquin
Pre- Intermediate level


Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of writing a short online film review.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To develop Ss ability to identify the structure and key features of an online film review.
  • To provide practice of useful phrases and descriptive language used for online reviews.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T: Have you seen any good films/movies lately? Which one? Can you tell me what you liked about it? T will get answers from SS and engage the whole class in a short conversation. T: Today you are going to write a short online review about a movie/film you really liked, as if you were posting it on a review website or social media. You will have 15 minutes to write about it, an you have to use about 120 words. But first let me give you an example.

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

Gist task (2 min) T: I will share with you an online review about the film Titanic. One of the most viewed movies of all time. You will have 1 minute to read it and then we will analyze it together. (SHARES GOOGLE DOC VIA CHATBOX – ONLINE REVIEWS) T: Have you seen this film? Did you like it? (If Ss hasn’t seen it, say would you want to see it?) Model Language (3 min) After getting answers from Ss T will guide students in analyzing the review and identifying key elements by asking these questions: (SHARES SCREEN OF SLIDE 3) • So, first is the title and, what is underneath it? The year the movie was released and the movie genre. • How many paragraphs are there? Three • What is the first paragraph about? It tells what the movie is about, a small resume of the plot. It is a small introduction. • What is the second paragraph about? It talks about the work of the actors, directors, the music, special effects etc. • What is the third paragraph about? It is a closing statement. It is a recommendation and the viewers opinion on the film. • What kind of writing is it? Is it formal or informal? Informal. Finally, T will say: Can you see there are phrases in bold? They are useful phrases you can use to write your review.

Useful Language (4-5 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Useful Language (5 min) T: Now let’s look at these useful phrases. Let’s talk about them. If you scroll down the google doc you can find them. ((SHARES SCREEN OF SLIDE 4) T will go through the phrases with SS asking each SS to read the phrases one by one and giving examples. T will write these examples on the board. T will explain there are some phrases for expressing positive opinions and others are for talking about specific aspects of the movie like the acting, plot, music, special effects, etc.

Productive Task(s) (23-25 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

(SHARE SCREEN OF SLIDE 5) Writing Prep (2 min) T: Now think about a movie you really like and write a review (like mine) using a similar structure and some of the useful language we have just looked at. You don’t have to use all the phrases they were just examples. I will give you 2 minutes to decide about what movie you want to review and think and write down some ideas. During these 2 minutes T will write the SS on the Students Revies Google Docs. (SHARE SCREEN OF SLIDE 6) Writing Task (15 min) T: Now you will write an online review about a movie you really like. About 120 words. You have 15 minutes to do it. I will share a google doc with you so you can do it there. Use the link on the Chat, find your name on the document and use that page to write on. (SHARES GOOGLE DOC – STUDENTS REVIEWS) T will decide BOR for upcoming tasks. T will monitor their writing for Error Correction and will give assistance in case SS needs it and asks for it. Publishing (8 min) When the SS finish writing, after 15 minutes. T: I will now send you all to BOR, where you will read your partners’ reviews and tell him/her your opinion about it. Use the questions you have in the lower part of the google doc where you wrote your review to tell your partner what you think about his review. I will also put them in the chatbox: Read your partners’ review. And tell him/her: 1. Is it structured/ organized well? 2. Is it easy to read? 3. Does it have many errors? 4. Would you like to see the movie/film? T will monitor BOR for DEC and feedback.

Feedback and Error Correction (6-8 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T: Who wants to comment on his peer’s writing? Give them some minutes to talk about their partners’ writing and then T will conduct DEC. (SHARE SCREEN – GOOGLE SLIDE 8) T will write the phrases that were wrongly written, the common mistakes, and will ask SS to correct them, writing and correcting them on the slide. The idea is to highlight errors and any good language that Ss have used and promote peer correction, eliciting corrections from Ss. T: Great job today! Remember, online reviews should be clear, engaging, and include strong opinions and recommendations. Maybe this weekend you can watch a movie an make a review about it.

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