Productice Skills TP7
Elementary level
Main Aims
To provide process and product writing practice of a postcard in the context of family and friends
Subsidiary Aims
To provide clarification and practice of using "will" in the context of travel
To provide product and process writing practice of a extended writing
To provide detailed reading practice using a text about travel
Procedure (45-45 minutes)
Students will be given a model answer and realia and asked to talk about their travel experience. Ss can answer with cities or countrys. Try to make sure students use the correct forms at this point "I have visited" "I have..." etc.
Ss will be given a short reading task of a postcard. Then, we will discuss it. Look for students to isolate key information as well as when it comes within the text. Ss can now talk about the text briefly to the teacher to use it as a scaffold and take it in for later. Try to get students to discover where there is informal and informal language. Also encourage students to isolate "beginning," "middle," and "end" and the structures used. As they are at the elementary level, it will be hard for them to break it down further but encourage discovery where possible.
Ss will receive a breakdown of the various parts of the postcard as well as a marker sentence for each that contains grammar they can emulate. Here, elicit where possible but focus on form more than pronunciation (as it is focused on writing skills). The sequence will be broken down to; Greeting - ______ from _______. Opening sentence - I am staying at _______ in _____________. Paragraph 1 & 2 discussing what they have done. paragraph 3 - enjoyed - didn't like Paragraph 4 - tomorrow's plan - incorporate "will" Farewell Name
Students will have 15-20 minutes to create their own postcard. Give them a model answer first that you have done to give them ideas. Focus on ICQs and CCQs before giving them the task. Here, where possible, let students read the model answer and elicit meaning. Encourage students to ask questions when needed.
Six minutes is the minimum time required. Use this time to let students go through a checklist and analyse each other's work. This encourages S2S interactions and let's students point out errors in learner friendly language, and also then analyse their own work. Then, bring students back in to the main room for DEC and feedback