Johanna Kuhn Johanna Kuhn

Listening and vocabulary lesson
Elementary level


Main Aims

  • To provide listening practice in the context of country names and nationalities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide the opportunity to practice and review the vocabulary of nationalities in written and speaking exercises.


Warmer/Lead-in (9-11 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Preparation: large country map pinned to wall. We will speak about countries and nationalities 1 volunteer We will play a game - 4 groups pen and paper So what do you write down? Do you write numbers? No, you write countries. Do you write 1 country? No, as many as possible. Write example on board for A = Afghanistan, Algeria, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan (explanation and preparation: 3 minutes) I start saying the alphabet (silently) and the other person shouts "stop" at any point. They have to write as many countries as possible for each letter in their group. They have 20 seconds for each letter. We do this 8-9 times (3-4 minutes) At the end I ask each group how many they found. (1 minutes) Give them the handout: Show them again how to fold. Exercise 1 (GE p18 exc 2): Listen to the conversation (track 1.34). Underline nationalities. Listen first then check with your neighbor if answers are correct. Write example on board: You're from Istanbul, Turkey. I'm Turkish. (3 minutes) Some drilling so they understand the difference of nationality / country names and learn how to pronounce them. Turkey - Turkish. Poland - Polish. Brazil - Brazilian etc

Pre-Reading/Listening (8-9 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Exercise 2 (GE workbook p10 Vocabulary exc 1 Nationalities (1): Work with your partner. Write the correct ending for the nationality word. Write example on board as on handout. They have (2 minutes) to do this. I use the beamer to project the table onto the board and we write the right answers into the fields together by nominating individual students - they should raise their hands if they know the right answer. (2 minutes) Exercise 3: Beamer slide 2: Look at this example: connect the city with its country. Where is New York? Izmir? Cape Town? Do the same now. (2 minutes) Check with your partner. Ask for 1 volunteer. You are the teacher now! Check the answers with them. Give answer key. (2 minutes) Show now slide 3. What's wrong? Show where else is London - there are 10 places called London in the world. (1 minute)

While-Reading/Listening #1 (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Show them slide 4 - ask them what these places are. Elicit answers. Tell them we will do some listening. They have to decide where each conversation takes place. Circle the correct option. Are you ready? (listening takes 2 minutes). Feedback whole class.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Tell them we will listen to this example a second time. Look at exercise 4 (coursebook p 19 exc3) on the handout. Chose the correct option. Check with your neighbor. Report back to class. I highlight the correct options on the PowerPoint slide 5. (4-5 minutes)

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Identity game: each student receives an "ID card" that lists a name, country and language. I get one volunteer and give him / her a script for Fernando / Su Jong dialogue. I display it on the PowerPoint for them to read. Tell them to walk around in the class and play the dialogue, answering and asking others about their country, name and language. Before they start, ask each of them "what is your name?" because they might be difficult to pronounce.

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