Unit 3 Lesson 5
Grade1 level
Main Aims
Review the words and structures included in Unit 3.
Subsidiary Aims
Review Words: Boy, Girl, Man, Woman, Teacher, Student, Friend, Classmate.
Structure 1:He is a/ my ... |She is a/ my ...
Structure 2: Is he a/your ...? Yes, he is. No, he isn't. | Is she a/your...? Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.
Procedure (32-44 minutes)
A dance Video will be used to help the class move going along with the class' taste.
Play side to side.
Play Mystery Picture. The Picture will slowly be revealed and the player that is the fastest to answer with He or She is will be the winner. The Winner will spin a spinner.
Remind students that this structure is included. Review the answers and make sure everyone remembers that people use different pronouns from objects. It-> he/she
Play Crazy Train Use Hyper links in the ppt to show pictures and the fastest player to answer will sit down. The first team to get all their players sitting is the winner. (Only play with max 5 students from each team at a time)
The students will play Cups' Moving Castle This will have 6 cups on the table in a pyramid stack. 1 pyramid for each player. The players repeat the sentence while transfer each cup to the other table to restack the pyramid.