Daphne Daphne

Unit 3 Lesson 4
Grade 1 level


Students will continue using words for people in the classroom and be able to answer Yes/ No questions.


Abc Power Point Presentation
Abc Student Pictures
Abc Word Cards
Abc 6 Hoops

Main Aims

  • Students will be able to answer Yes/ No questions correctly between humnas and objects.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Review Words: Man, Woman, Boy, Girl, Classmate, Friend, Student, Teacher
  • Add Structure: Is he/ she a/my ...? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn't.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To get students focused and ready to learn

A short Dance Video will be played for the students to move to according to the class' interest

Review (8-10 minutes) • To bring current target language of the unit to the forefront of student's minds.

Reveiw words with some of the students pictures. Play Mystery Box- Double Up Out of three playing students the winner will be the fastest or correct answer. They winner chooses whether they want to keep the box as is or take a chance against the teacher in RPS. IF they beat the teacher, they double the points in the box, and if they lose, the teacher gives their points to the other teams.

Introduction to new structure (3-5 minutes) • To allow students to listen to the new structure's use in a normal setting.

Students will watch a 3 minute video in which a boy is talking to his mother his classmates and teachers. The Video is a mixture of the structures in previous lessons and the new structure. If the class needs this video can be played twice.

New Structure (5-8 minutes) • Students will be able to use the same vocabulary with a new structure.

Add Is he a/my...? And Is she a/my...? Emphasis on the answer with He and she not it. Practice with a Quick Drill of Side to Side

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Play a Maze Game in Power Point where the students need to make their way thru the maze by asking their team questions to answer. The Asking students will be chosen to ask one by one on a team by team basis. (The questions will be listed for weaker students to read it.

Final Practice (8-10 minutes) • Allow all students a chance to be involved.

Play Last Man Standing. If you play the hoop version 6 hoops will be placed on the gound, an equal number of students is called from each team, if no hoops play with 6 players. The students are asked a question which they all answer. Afterwards the teacher rolls a 6 sided dice to eliminate the students in a hoop (counting from left to right, or by number.) or a single student.

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