Vitaly Vitaly

Grade 3 - Lesson #39
Grade 3 level


In this lesson students get further practice of asking and answering Yes/No-questions about abilities using "can"


Abc Go Getter 3 Student's Book
Abc Go Getter 3 Workbook
Abc New Grammar Time 1

Main Aims

  • For students to practice asking and answering Yes/No-questions with "can" in the context of abilities

Subsidiary Aims

Perhaps the most important element of any plan is the part where we say what our aims are.Jeremy Harmer in The Practice of English Language Teaching


Homework check (5-5 minutes) • For students to check their homework

Teacher asks SS to open their workbooks and asks them one by one to read the sentences

Controlled practice (25-30 minutes) • To practice using "can" in +, -, ? sentences

NGT p. 52 ex. 3 SS read the dialog in pairs and then predict the missing words. Then everyone listens to the audio and they check. NGT p. 52 ex. 4 SS write the missing words and check in pairs. NGT p. 52 ex. 5 SS look at ex. 4 and complete the sentences.Then they check all together. NGT p. 53 ex. 6. SS complete the questions and the answers and then act out the exchanges.

Freer Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ex. 7 SS look at the pictures and ask each other questions in pairs. They put ticks or crosses in their printouts. Ex. 8 SS report to the teacher two facts about their partners.


Go Getter 1 Unit 5 Grammar 1 worksheet

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