Daphne Daphne

Unit 3 Lesson 3
Grade 1 level


Students will review the target language and be able to use it confidently in the classroom with pictures of people they know or don't know.


Abc Student Pictures
Abc Flashcards
Abc Power Point Presentation
Abc Word Cards
Abc 6 Kaboom Group Sets

Main Aims

  • Students will reinforce their learning of new terms and the use of my.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Review: Boy, Girl, Man, Woman, Teacher, Student, Classmate and Friend
  • Review Structures: He's a/my ... | She's a/my...
  • Emphasis: Proper and Correct use of my or a in regards to people


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To get students focused and ready to learn

A dance video that the students enjoy to get them ready to learn.

Review (8-10 minutes) • To remind students of the target language.

Student will get to choose one of the boxes which have vocabulary words on the screen which corespond to the picture. This is not a racing game. Inside the boxes will have a point value to be revealed after all the choosen students have made a sentence. Some may have more than one correct answer and students should be reminded of it.

Highlighting (6-8 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the correct use of 'my' for friends, classmates and teachers.

Review using some real pictures of the students in the class. If the student is in the same class as the students they make sentences using classmate or friend. If not they use boy or girl. Teachers by extension would be my teacher vs a man or a woman. This will be a spinner game.

Reinforcement (8-10 minutes) • To encourage students to use the structures.

On the power point there will be prompts for either a gender word or a word that works with my. A picture will appear then disapear and the playing students will have to make the sentence with the words on the board. The first to make the correct answer depending on the picture of real life students or teachers and whether they are in the same class or not.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • Students will play to gether to build confidence in a student to student.

Introduce and play Ka Boom with the students. Students will play in groups of four and help check each other's use and structures. The teacher will be going around to check and keep the children on task till the end of the period.

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