TP 2 - Listening
Upper intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide listening practice for gist and specific information in the context of crime.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of recividism and deterrents.
Procedure (38-46 minutes)
Focus Ss' attention on the picture on slide 1. Ask: Who´s the person in the picture? (Answer: A judge). Ask CCQ: What kind of flag can we see in the background (Expected answer: American) What´s the judge holding in his hand? Answer: A gavel How many times do judges strike the gavel when delivering a sentence? Answer: 3 times In pairs What do you know about the three-strike law in the USA? What do you think would happen if someone committed a crime three times? Would there be a bigger punishment?" 2 minutes ICQS - instruction checking questions OCFB Do you know baseball? The law is named after the "three-strikes rule" in baseball. In baseball, a player can miss two balls (get two strikes), but if they miss a third ball, they’re out. The "three-strikes" law works the same way – if someone is found guilty of three crimes, they are taken out of society (usually sent to prison). Interestingly in the state of California, there´s the death penalty for the third strike!
Listening! A discussion about the prison population in the UK. But before that, we´re going to have a look at some interesting vocabulary that´s connected to the listening. Work on the meaning of offender/(to offend), deterrent /(deter), and sentence / (to be sentenced). Send Ss the link to the PP Write name of each student on the slide. individual work 2 minutes ICQs Slide N. 2 for OCFB 1 minute CCQs: Offender – Does an offender break the law? (Yes) Deterrent – Is a deterrent meant to help people commit crimes? (No) Sentence – Does a sentence mean an offender receives a punishment? (Yes) Offended party – If someone is the offended party in a crime, does it mean they committed the crime? (No) To deter – Does a strong punishment deter people from committing crimes? (Yes) To be sentenced – If someone is sentenced, does it mean they are set free? (No) PP slides 4,5,6 2 minutes Definition: Offender - Can an offender be punished for his actions? (Yes) Is Offender a person, place or an action? (A person) Let the S read the example Offended (party)- If someone is the offended party, does it mean a crime harmed them? (Yes) Is Offended party a person, place or an action? (a person or a group of people) Sentence - Does a sentence mean a judge decides on a punishment? (Yes) Is sentence a thing or an action in the context of law? (a thing, a legal punishment given by the law) To be sentenced - if someone is sentenced have they been found guilty? (Yes) Is 'to be sentenced' something a person does or something that happens to a person? Deterrent - Does a deterrent stop people from doing something bad? (Yes) Is 'deterrent' a thing (noun) or a describing word (adjective)? It’s a thing (noun) a deterrent is a thing, like a punishment or law, designed to prevent actions. To deter - Does a high fine deter people from speeding? (Yes) Is 'to deter' an action (verb) or a thing (noun)? Form and pronunciation Post the Google Forms link in chat. Ss work individually for 3 minutes ICQs - Instruction checking Qs - How many minutes? Alone or in pairs? OCFB Answers: 1. The offender received a sentence of 10 years in prison. 2. The punishment was meant to deter people from committing crimes. 3. The police officer interviewed the offended party, who had been harmed by the offender. 4. SEN-tence 5. Offender has stress on the first syllable Allow Ss to speak at the end.
Share Google Forms listening 1 in chat. Ask Ss to listen for general understanding and complete the True/False exercise. Individual work 4 minutes ICQs OCFB 1. True 2. True 3. True 4. False Margaret believes fewer people should be sent to prison, especially for minor crimes 5. False Most are in prison for theft or minor crimes. 6. True 7. True After slide N 3. ask Ss What is the main topic being discussed? 2 minutes First, let students give their ideas using ANNOTATE! The listening is about too many people in prison and how to fix the problem. Margaret Bolton thinks many prisoners committed small crimes and should get help to find jobs instead of going to jail. David Gilbert agrees prisons are full but believes a strict rule, like in the US, would stop people from committing crimes again. They argue about whether punishment or helping people is the better solution.
Now you´re going to listen again for details. Share Google Forms. Do the task in google forms, but don´t submit yet! Give Ss time to read questions 1-6 - 30 seconds ICQs - Should you submit now? How many seconds to read the questions? Play the recording the 2nd time and let students work individually on the Google form. 4 minutes Now you´re going to listen for the third time with a transcript of the listening that I´ll share with you. You´ll have 4 minutes and you need to submit the google form this time! Share the transcript PP slide 4. ICQs - Do we submit the google form this time? Play it the third time with the transcript shared. Peer check in BORs 2 minutes Check answers OCFB. 1. £40,000 The cost of keeping a person in prison for one year has risen to 40,000 2. £3.8 billion Margaret Bolton says, "There are about 95,000 prisoners in the UK at the moment, and that costs about 3.8 billion pounds a year." 3.60,000 Last year, 60,000 people were sentenced to less than a year for minor crimes." 4. 60% Margaret Bolton says that 60% of short-term offenders commit another crime within a year." 5. 2.3 million prisoners costing $68 billion Margaret Bolton states, "The prison population in the US is 2.3 million, and the US spends 68 billion a year on prisons." 6.Over £4,000 Margaret says "Most of those only spent about 45 days in prison, and that works out at a cost of over 4,000 per prisoner." Allow Ss to speak at the end.
Your turn! Speaking time! Slide PP N. 8 Divide the Ss into two groups. Group a - 1 Group b -2 Give Ss 1-2 minutes to think about their answers. ICQs - How much time do you have to think about your answers? In which group are you Luisa? Pair work 5 min Change of groups and questions 5 min Monitor and do DEC - Delayed error correction on slide PP N. 7