Vitaly Vitaly

Grade 1 - Lesson #41
Grade 1 level


In this lesson students revise the answers to the question "Do you like apples / bananas / cheese / donuts / eggs / fish / grapes / hot dogs / ice cream / jelly / ketchup / lettuce?" Students practice writing CVC words with letter Yy in a dictation.


Abc Genki - Do you like (food) song (CD3)
Abc Genki Phonics - Yy worksheet
Abc Bingo cards (Food)
Abc Soft toy for throwing
Abc Dictation sheet

Main Aims

  • For students to revise food vocabulary and develop speaking skills by asking and answering about food preferences

Subsidiary Aims

  • For students to develop writing and listening skills by writing words with letter Yy


Revision of the song "Do you like (food)?" (2-5 minutes) • Revise the vocabulary "food" and answers to questions modelled after Do you like...? (Yes, I do / No I don't)

Teacher draws the on the board or shows the students flashcards with food: apples / bananas / cheese / donuts / eggs / fish / grapes / hot dogs / ice cream / jelly / ketchup / lettuce. Teacher elicits the vocabulary. If somebody forgot the words, they repeat after teacher in chorus. Teacher asks students: Do you like apples? - Yes, I do! / No, I don't. Teacher praises everyone who answers.

Controlled Practice (5-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Students watch Mini-Lesson and sing the song with the Teacher

Controlled practice 1 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with controlled pracice of the target language through listening

Teacher gives the students bingo cards with food. Students listen to Teacher and circle the food they hear. When all the food is circled, they shout "Bingo!"

Semicontrolled practice (8-10 minutes) • Practice asking yes / no questions about favourite food

Students throw at each other a soft toy and ask questions "Do you like (any food)?" The student who caught the toy should answer and ask another question and throw the toy again.

Homework check (5-5 minutes) • For students to get a personalized feedback on their homework

Teacher looks at the students' lines and pictures, elicits what they have drawn (What is it? - Yogurt! What color? -Yellow!), comments on really neat and tidy handwriting and marks good work with stamps.

Dictation (8-10 minutes) • For SS to practice writing CVC words with letter Yy

Teacher writes on the boars the letters y, e, a, u, t, p, m, s and elicits their sounds. Teacher hands out dictation sheets and asks students to draw underscores (_) marking the number of letters in the words he/she will later dictate. _ _ _ (yap) _ _ _ (yes) _ _ _ (yet) _ _ _ (yum) Then Teacher dictates the words and comments on the vowels (E like in EGG or A like in APPLE, or U like in UMBRELLA). The students write down. Fast finishers can write the words on the board. Then everyone reads all the words they wrote in chorus.

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