Unit 3 Lesson 2
Grade 1 level
Main Aims
To expand student vocabulary around identifying people around them in the classroom.
Subsidiary Aims
Review Words: Man, Woman, Boy, Girl
New Words: Classmate, Friend, Student, Teacher
Structure: He's a .../ He's my ... and She's a .../ She's my
Procedure (32-46 minutes)
A short Dance video will according to the class' taste.
Review words and structure from last period. Play Odd One Out/ Slap the Board Call three students to the front of the class, who stand with their backs to the screen. When the teacher calls go, the students will race to first find the one that is a different gender, and second, to make the sentence using He's or She's a ...
Introduce New Words : Student, Teacher, Classmate, Friend Explain that for some people more than one answer can apply. Allow students to try to use the new words in relation to the other students or teachers in the room.
Play Ice Cream stack. There will be at least 3 students at the front of the room. A picture card is shown either on the pp or by using Flashcards. Students must stack their ice cream cone with all the words the word could be. For example, a picture of a child who could be in grade school is shown, students would put the words student, friend, and classmate on the ice cream cone.
Play a Mystery box game in the power point. Three students will come up and need to make an answer using the picture on the screen. Since the answers could be confusing the teacher will also add the target language to the slide. The winner is either the one that makes the correct answer first, the best pronunciations or RPS.
Play Game Level Up This game works as a board game where the teams try to go up the levels on their tower. Students will play based on the seating arrangements. Each Tower has 6 levels, and since there are usually around 10 students in a team this should make a win before the end of the lesson. The Students will look at the flashcards and try to use a word from their word bank on the slide.
Students will use any remaining minutes to pass a ball then stand up. The student standing will call on other students around the room, not in their own team to make a sentence about the standing student. Any student that can make a decent sentence without repeating will gain a star. A repeat will loose a star.