Reading and Speaking
Elementary level
Main Aims
To provide scan and detailed reading practice using a text about That`s me in the picture! in the context of manner.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation about the picture. in the context of manner
Procedure (41-50 minutes)
In this stage, students are asked :" Look at the photo by the famous french photographer Henry cartier-bresson and answer the questions . say why. 1. What decade do you think it`s from? 2. What time of year do you think it is? 3. What do you think the couple is looking at? 4. What does the woman have in her pocket? What do you think it`s for?
The students are going to be thought the meaning of the vocabularies: botanical (n, adj) secretary(n) _ escape (v,n) _ opportunity (n) . They will try to match the words with the definitions and then they will be asked to use the words in some examples.
In this stage students will read the article. And they will understand if their answer is right or not.
In this stage, students will read the questions and then read the article more slowly to answer the questions. 1. What was Jane`s situation at the beginning of the story? 2. Where did she meet the frenchman and how did this change her life? 3. What did they often do on sunday? 4. Why did they stop in the gardens and what did they see? 5. How did Jane get a copy of the photo? 6. Why is this photo important to her? Then they will be asked to check their answers in pair.
The students will be asked to discuss the following questions in group of two: Is there a photo with you that you really love? Describe it. Why do you like it so much?