Patrick William Daniel O'Donovan Patrick William Daniel O'Donovan

Speaking TP5 - meeting new people
Elementary level


In this class, students will be given language to practice greetings and meeting new people. Students will be given basic language and a dialogue scaffold in order to give them support to have free practice. There will be new vocabulary, which students will practice. As well as this, students will also be given more opportunity to extend their dialogue if their vocabulary allows, meaning students of different levels are catered for.


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Main Aims

  • To provide review and practice for vocabulary about greetings, within the context of meeting new people

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide chances for students to solidify understanding of grammar and sentence structures they have previously learned in regards to meeting new people and allow for more S2S practice with speaking.


Lead-in (8-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Students will be given a picture of the teacher, and then guess the context of what the teacher is trying to tell them. They will be very simple ideas. Use myself as an example and following that

Useful Language (10-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

We will base the conversation around meeting people and enquiring about their jobs. Students will be shown various jobs and given an example in context, then practice their pronunciation. In this class, we will primarily focus on meaning and pronunciation rather than MFP. Go over this key vocabulary with drilling and ask students if they can provide examples if time allows.

Productive Task(s) (21-21 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Students will have at least two opportunities, three if time provides, to use their key language to follow a role play. For the second (and possibly third) Ss will have less framework to follow and need to use the context from the previous activity to gap fill and use their prior knowledge.

Feedback and Error Correction (6-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

During this stage, provide OCF as well as letting students talk about what they found easy and difficult. At this stage, provide anonymous feedback about things you overheard and then ask for demonstrations about how to say these things correctly. At this point, if there are any persistent grammar mistakes, they can be corrected also. Ask if they learned anything new and cold call students to role play, particularly Ss who found it easy to meet the learning objective.

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