Sabiha Lafani Sabiha Lafani

Sabiha Lafani- 21Oct 2015- Teaching Practice 4a - Right & wrong
Upper Interemidiate B level


The losson focuses on listening and vocabulary . The students will learn two kinds of misuse of words : Malapropism and spoonerism . They


Abc HO .Grammar was /were (Questions / Negatives)
Abc Global Upper Intermediate .
Abc WB
Abc Srtaight forward course book .

Main Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about The Wrong Word in the context of language mistakes
  • Listening

Subsidiary Aims

  • vocabulary
  • To provide review and clarification of The use of the suffix ism. in different contexts.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • Generate interest in the topic and create context for malapropism and spoonerism.

Tell a personal story about myself to introduce some of the most common language mistakes and how language mistakes are funny .

Pre-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

- Ask the students to work in groups - Give them cut carts - ask them to change one letter or syllable from the words in the cut cards , replace them with others to get new words. - Pen - death - mental - lies - shake - plants - -

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

1- Ask the Ss to look at the table on the HO and to the first task. Explain that they are going to hear the words malapropism and spoonerism. Listen to two ways in which people can get the words wrong . Tick the correct boxes for each type of mistake. T gives folded HO to students . Ask them to read the first instruction on the HO and do the task -Ss listen to the lecture and do the task. -Give Ss 3 mns to complete their unswers . T ask CCQ's - play the audio again if necessary. - T checks the answer in an open class. - T asks Ss to explain intheir own words the difference between Malapropism and spoonerism. -

While-Reading/Listening #2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

- T asks Ss to listen again to the audio and do the second task of the HO - What mistakes did people make ? - Ss identify the mistakes . T write the answers on the board. Work in pairs . Look at the sentences in HO where the speaker said the wrong words . What did they want to say . -T gives the timeto Ss

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T writes the words "Malapropism" and 'Spoonerism" and elicits answers about the use of the suffix ism for concepts, conditions and activities: - A specific verity of language (a spoonerism ,an Americanism) - A movement a theory or practice ( Buddhism- impressionism) - A prejudice against a particular group ( racism- ageism) - A state of characteristic ( bilingualism -heroism). 1- T asks Ss to work with a partner think at least to two more words with ism. Which group would they go in? 2- The suffix ism can easily be used to make new words ( for example in names like in Bushism ) Can you think of a new ism?

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