Maryam Hameed Maryam Hameed

Reading - Cycling on the Most Dangerous Road
Elementary level


In this lesson, SS will practice reading for gist and specific detail as well as practice semi-controlled speaking.


Abc A4 Paper
Abc Answer key
Abc Blu tack
Abc Computer
Abc Markers
Abc Projector
Abc Reading Handout
Abc Whiteboard
Abc English File Elementary, 3rd Edition, p. 77
Abc Vocabulary and definition cards

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, ss will have practiced reading for gist and specific information in the context of cycling on the most dangerous road.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice semi-controlled speaking


Warmer/Lead-in (5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will show a video to students to set the context of today's lesson. Task will be given before the video is played. SS will watch the video and try to guess what today's lesson topic is. Use ICQs here - what are we doing while we are watching the video?

Pre-Reading/Listening (10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

1. I will pre-teach vocabulary for the following words: 1. dangerous 2. lorries 3. experienced 4. narrow Pictures will be shown to elicit answers from students. Pronunciation and word stress will be practiced by choral drilling.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

1. I will show the handout to students and explain that they will read the text very quickly for 20 seconds - they will be timed. This is so they have a general idea of what the article is about. Use clear ICQs and stop them exactly after 20 seconds. DEMO how to read it! Reading for gist task: What is the article about? I will nominate a student to answer. 2. Reading for specific information: - I will tell students to read the questions in Exercise 4b - they have to read all the questions in 30 seconds. ICQ's - how many seconds? - After they are done they will scan the text to find the specific answers - this will also be timed - they will have 4 minutes to answer all the questions. ICQ - how are we reading the text now? Scanning for specific information. SS will work alone. When they are done, they will check in pairs and then I will also hand out an answer key. Monitor very closely to see how students are doing.

While Reading #2 (5 minutes)

Regroup SS: 3. They will match the highlighted words in the text to their definitions (I will hand out vocabulary word cards with definitions). Use ICQ's - this will be done in groups. Answer key will be put up on PPT.

Post-Reading/Listening (15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Speaking excercises: 1. Read question 4d - Is cycling popular in your country? Is there an area that is very popular for cyclists? Why? Discuss in your groups. REGROUP STUDENTS FOR NEXT ACTIVITY - everyone stand up and line up in the front. Students will be standing across from each other in pairs. Line 1 and Line 2 - I will group SS so they are paired with someone from a different country/region than them. Exercise 5 A & B Students will work in pairs, pretending they are tourists in the other person's country and asking the questions in Ex. A-B (1-10). EXPLAIN that they will use the adjectives in brackets and add "most" before or "est" at the end to make it superlative. SS HAVE TO GIVE AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE. - DEMO AND USE ICQs - GIVE AN EXAMPLE OF SQUARE After they are done they will switch.

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