Reading about Ancient Egypt
Intermediate level level
Main Aims
To provide Ss the opportunity to practice and apply the past simple tense in the context along with other tenses.
To help Ss to enhance their deducting skills to comprehend the meaning from context and expand their vocab.
To develop Ss's skills in skimming, gist reading, and scanning a text through practice for general understanding and checking specific information.
To assist Ss enhance their language acquisition and encourage stimulating discussion through deductive inference content.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide clarification of meanings of various vocab and phrases from the text and to focus on intonation and pronunciation.
Procedure (40-59 minutes)
T will show Ss some pictures of the ancient Egyptian civilization and ask Ss to guess what they are, their purpose, and where they are from then write them on WB. Then, T will ask Ss 'Has anyone read a book or article or even watched a documentary about ancient Egyptians?' After that, T will ask 'What do you already know about this civilization?'
Pre-reading, T will show a short video to introduce and elicit new vocabulary and prior knowledge about the topic, helping Ss understand the idea of the article and prepare for the while-reading activities. Then, T will introduce additional lexis (pharaoh, hieroglyphics, and dynasty) by writing them on WB, after that, T will ask Ss CCQs related to the video to create a mind map, ensuring that Ss understand the concepts of the topic. What kind of objects were mummies buried with? Did all people get mummified in the ancient Egyptian civilization? What was the of the pyramids for the ancient Egyptians? How would you describe the hieroglyphic language? T will ask students to work in pairs to answer the questions to boost critical thinking and to engage Ss more.
T will write on the WB some sentences from the topic mixed with some false information then T will give Ss 3-5 minutes to scan the text individually. T will tell students 'It is okay if you can't understand every word, it is about trying to understand the general meaning of the text'. After scanning the Ss will need to identify the false information in the provided sentences. Ancient Egyptians did not believe in women's rights. The pyramids were made from granite stones to be used as temples. The Nile River flows from north to south through Egypt. The pharaohs of Egypt did not have any written language. The ancient Egyptians worshipped over 1,000 gods and goddesses.
T will ask one of the students to read the first paragraph to the class, and then T will ask students to work in pairs to summarize the paragraph in 20 words. For the second and third paragraphs after reading it, T will write a question on the WB for an open discussion activity (In your opinion, what are the benefits of the unification of Egypt?), (What is the meaning of the concept of a dynasty in the modern world?). T will ask Ss to read the 4th to 7th paragraph, and then ask them to Highlight key events. After reading the 8th paragraph T will mention a fact about Tutankhamun 'He ascended to the throne when he was eight or nine years old', and then ask students their opinions. Ss will read the 9th, 10th, and 11th paragraphs then ask students 'Why were the pyramids important in ancient Egypt?' For the 12th paragraph, T will write on the WB some words and ask Ss to infer their meanings from the text. Highlighted words like flood, fertile soil, scribes, priest, and monuments. After the Ss read the 13th paragraph, T will show a short video about the incident Egyptian gods and then ask Ss to work in pairs and each group will explain one of the gods' roles in the afterlife. For the last paragraph, T will ask Ss to put a different title for it.
At this stage, T will provide a practice for the use of the past simple tense, T will ask Ss to go through the text rapidly and underline the past simple tense. Then, T will ask Ss to use the verbs they identified to form sentences. T will give feedback and error correction if necessary.
Read the text again at home. Imagine you went back in time as a time traveler visiting ancient Egypt— write a paragraph describing your experience.