stewart wilson stewart wilson

Elementary level


To practise reading and semi-controlled speaking in the context of three cities.


Osvitbcvreg1uspvvqcz ba HO1
A9izbfwct1gdcmkfpzna hav HO2
Fgg08toqy2loczksfnjq sev HO3
Ec5jnq78tpmvxddvy941 gist questions HO4
Lhqlq3ugty2bskduathi ba specific questions HO5
Umyxru4brakukagfcbv3 hav specific questions HO6
1xtckeraqjy4ualtwnkp sev specific questions HO7
Abc T.10.7
Abc WB
Abc Ppt2 - Gist answers
Abc Ppt3 - Specific answers

Main Aims

  • To practise reading in the context of three cities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practise semi-controlled speaking.


Warm up/lead-in. (0-5 minutes) • To set context through the idea of dance and three cities

1. SS will listen to three different types of dance music. Each type is associated with a particular city. At the end I will ask them to guess which dance is most associated with each city. 2. ICQs. 3. Listen to tape. 4. Ask them what they know about these cities? 5. Ask them where are these cities? 6. Show Ppt1 - map of the three countries

Pre teach (5-15 minutes) • Introduce vocabulary that is relevant to the tasks.

Elicit/confirm meaning of the following words: 1. capital city 2. port 3. become independent 4. immigrants 5. slaves 6. leader/led

Reading about three cities (15-25 minutes) • Practise reading for gist

1. SS in three groups (BA, HAV, SEV). 2. SS will be issued with will issued with the text for their city and a set of specific questions relevant to their city. 3. ICPs - You will read the gist questions in thirty seconds/then ninety seconds to read the text for gist/write your answers (not all answers relate to your city)/check as a group/talk amongst yourselves/come up with a group answer. 3. SS answer the questions. 4. T gets SS to check answers and shows on WB (Ppt2).

Text rereading (25-35 minutes) • Further reading for specific meaning

1. SS will reread the text. 2. SS will be issued with a set of specific questions relevant to their city. 3. ICPs - You will read the text for specfic meaning/one minute to read the questions/two minutes to read the text/write your answers and check as a group/talk amongst yourselves/come up with a group answer. 3. SS answer the questions. 4. T gets SS to check answers and shows on WB (Ppt3).

Speaking (35-45 minutes) • To practise semi-controlled speaking

1. Rearrange groups so SS from each "city" are now equally mixed. 2. Give clear ICPs for this. 3. Get SS to talk about aspects of those cities that are new to them. 4. If extra time ask SS to talk about their own capital cities using the same ideas.

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