b1 level
Main Aims
To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Discussion in the context of Money
Subsidiary Aims
To provide practice of present perfect in the context of Money
Procedure (12-28 minutes)
quick fire of verbs + things about money.
stingy : close-fisted/penny-pinching (generous) spend money like water: spend money freely with no limitation money to burn: extra money to spend however you want save money for rainy day agree: i completely agree with you beacause.... im on the same page as you because disagree: i have to disagree with you.... i see your point but i think... expressing opinions: in my opinion,.... i believe that ... personally,... as far as im concerned... from my perspective.
do the questions in pairs then show the result and make them they say thier opinions on themselves and their partner in pairs. saver/spender/in middle