Aidana Aidana

Present Perfect Tense Using The Little Prince
Mixed-Ability ESL Learners level


Abc The Little Prince
Abc Printed Transcript of the Excerpt
Abc Task Cards for Differentiated Activities

Main Aims

  • Students will understand the structure and usage of the present perfect tense through listening to an excerpt from The Little Prince and engaging in differentiated activities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To help students improve their ability to listen for specific information (e.g., identifying examples of the present perfect tense) and understand the main idea of an audio text.


1. Lead-In (1-1 minutes) • Activate prior knowledge and introduce the present perfect tense.

Write the following sentence on the board: "The Little Prince has visited many planets." Ask: "What do you notice about this sentence? What tense is it?" Briefly explain: "This is the present perfect tense. We use it to talk about actions that happened at an unspecified time before now. Today, we’ll listen to a story about the Little Prince and find more examples of this tense."

Pre-Listening (1-2 minutes) • Prepare students for the listening activity by introducing key vocabulary and context.

Show a picture of the Little Prince and ask: "What do you know about the Little Prince?" "What do you think he has done on his journey?" Provide a simple summary: "The Little Prince travels to different planets and meets interesting characters. He learns about life, love, and friendship." Task 2: Vocabulary Preview Write key vocabulary from the excerpt on the board: traveled, met, discovered, learned, seen, visited. For mixed abilities: Lower-Level Learners: Match the words to simple definitions (e.g., traveled = went to different places). Mid-Level Learners: Use the words in a sentence (e.g., "I have traveled to many countries"). Higher-Level Learners: Explain the difference between past simple and present perfect (e.g., "I traveled" vs. "I have traveled").

While-Listening 1 (2-3 minutes) • Listen for the main idea and identify examples of the present perfect tense.

Task 1: First Listening Play the audiobook excerpt (2-3 minutes). Ask students to listen for the main idea: "What has the Little Prince done on his journey?" Provide a printed transcript for visual learners to follow along. Task 2: Check Understanding Ask: "What did the Little Prince do?" "Did you hear any examples of the present perfect tense?" Write 1-2 examples on the board (e.g., "He has traveled to many planets" or "He has met a king").

While-Listening 2 (1-2 minutes) • Listen for specific examples of the present perfect tense and analyze their usage.

Task 1: Second Listening Play the excerpt again. Ask students to listen for specific examples of the present perfect tense. Task 2: Differentiated Tasks Lower-Level Learners: Circle present perfect sentences in the transcript (e.g., "He has traveled to many planets"). Match the sentences to simple meanings (e.g., "He has met a king" = "He did this in the past"). Mid-Level Learners: Write down 2-3 present perfect sentences they hear. Explain what each sentence means (e.g., "He has discovered new things" = "He learned something new"). Higher-Level Learners: Identify why the present perfect tense is used in each sentence (e.g., to talk about experiences or unfinished actions). Rewrite one sentence in a different context (e.g., "He has met a king" → "I have met a famous person").

Post-Listening (1-3 minutes) • Practice using the present perfect tense in a collaborative and creative way.

Task 1: Group Activity Divide students into mixed-ability groups. Give each group a task card: Task 1 (Lower-Level): Complete sentences about the Little Prince using the present perfect tense (e.g., "The Little Prince has ______ to many planets."). Example: "The Little Prince has ______ a king." (Answer: met) Task 2 (Mid-Level): Write 3 sentences about their own experiences using the present perfect tense (e.g., "I have visited Paris"). Share with the group. Task 3 (Higher-Level): Rewrite a sentence from the excerpt in a different context (e.g., "He has met a king" → "I have met a famous person"). Explain why the present perfect tense is used. Task 2: Group Sharing Each group shares one sentence or example with the class. Write their examples on the board and provide feedback.

Wrap-Up (1-1 minutes) • Reinforce learning and check understanding.

Ask: "What is one thing you learned about the present perfect tense today?" Summarize: "We use the present perfect to talk about experiences, actions that started in the past and continue to the present, or recent events." Optional Homework: Write a short paragraph about a journey or experience using the present perfect tense.

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