stewart wilson stewart wilson

Assignment 3


In this lesson students will pratice skimmng and scanning, to show that comprehension can be achieved through fluent, faster reading.


Abc Ppt1
Abc HO1
Abc HO2
Abc HO3
Abc HO4
Abc Ppt2
Abc Ppt3

Main Aims

  • In this lesson students will pratice skimmng and scanning, to show that comprehension can be achieved through fluent, faster reading.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practise undertsanding and speaking through the medium of debate


Lead-in (0-5 minutes) • Introduce the topic

1. Show the headline and picture of child on rope. 2. Ask SS "Is the boy enjoying himself?/"Is he safe?"/"Is he healthy?" 3. Ask SS what they think the article might be about

Pre-reading/Listening (5-10 minutes) • Vocab - familiarise SS with certain words from the text

Pre-teach (mime and pictures): a) Sedentary b) Self-esteem c) Strangulation d) Bullying e) Chronic

Reading for gist (10-20 minutes) • SS practise skimming

1.SS read text for one minute then asked which of three answers best summarises the text. 2. SS first read individually then answer the questions. 3. SS in pairs discuss their answers 4. T tells correct answers and asks SS if they agree and if not why not 5. SS discuss their first impressions

Reading for specific information (20-30 minutes) • SS practise scanning

1. SS reread text (two minutes) 2. SS individually answer questions on HO2 3. SS compare their answers 4. T shows correct answerson WB 5. SS in groups discuss the specific information 6. T asks for views on this information

Debate (30-45 minutes) • To practise reading and speaking from a particular viewpoint

1. SS reread the text (three minutes) 2. SS are paired and each is given a view to take 3. SS in pairs discuss the merits of their viewpoint 4. Change so that pairing is different and repeat 5. T asks questions to get SS to state their arguments 6. T summarises the lesson

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