Cynthia Hong Cynthia Hong

CELTA Teaching Practice 7
Pre-intermediate level


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Main Aims

  • To develop students' writing skills by teaching them how to compose a formal email requesting travel information. To familiarize students with the structure and layout of a formal email, focusing on clear and polite communication.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To improve reading comprehension by analyzing a sample email and identifying its key components. To build students' confidence in using written English for practical, real-world purposes, such as requesting information.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • Activate background knowledge and set the context.

1. Ask students: "Have you ever planned a trip or holiday?" "What kind of information would you ask for when planning a trip?" (e.g., costs, itinerary, accommodations). 2. Introduce the lesson objective: Write an email to request travel information.

Layout (5-6 minutes) • Reinforce email structure and layout.

Provide students with an email template. Ask them to organize the email in the correct order: - Subject - Greeting - Body (polite request for information) - Closing and signature

Targeted Language (5-7 minutes) • Practice polite request phrases.

Teach functional phrases for making polite requests: "Could you please…?" "I would like to know…" "I am interested in…" "I look forward to your response." Students complete a gap-fill exercise using the target phrases: Example: "________ (ask politely) provide details about your holiday packages?" Answer: "Could you please…"

Writing (10-15 minutes) • Write an email applying the learned structure and language.

Set the task: "You want to know more about a holiday package offered by a travel agency. Write a short email requesting information about: - Prices for a weekend package - Transportation options - Activities included." Provide students with the email template and encourage them to use target phrases.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • Provide constructive feedback on their writing.

Pair students to exchange and review emails using a checklist: - Is the email polite? - Are the requests clear? - Is the layout correct? End the lesson with positive feedback and encourage students to use these skills in real-life situations.

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