Past Simple Tense
Beginners level
Main Aims
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the use and the structure of the past simple tense including regular and irregular verbs
Subsidiary Aims
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the past simple tense accurately meanwhile they will expand their vocabularies related to related topics to holidays.
Procedure (42-60 minutes)
T will start by introducing the topic of the day: "Today, we’re going to talk about some past events, such as what you did during the winter break and past holidays" T will stick some flashcards and photos on the WB of different holidays such as Christmas, New Year’s Eve, Thanksgiving..etc T will write on the WB to provide Ss with e.g. in the past describing how T spent their previous holidays. T will give students 2-3 minutes to form 3-5 sentences on how they spent their previous holidays.
T asks Ss to read what they wrote and write it down on the WB. T will elicit the knowledge and understanding of Ss using the sentences to explain the tense structure by underlining the verb and how to conjugate it. Then T will ask the students to get engaged in drilling exercises to practice the tense conjugation and pronunciation.
T will draw two squares on the board one for the regular e.g. (d, ed, ied.. etc), and one for the irregular e.g. ( Became, Brought, built.. etc) to explain the differences and how it's formed.
T will break down the structure of the regular verbs by writing down on the WB different examples of verb endings and applying the appropriate past tense rules. (e.g., for verbs ending in "-e" we add d, for CVC verbs we double the final consonant and add "-ed", for Verbs ending in consonant + "y" change "y" to "i" and add "-ed") etc.
T will handle Ss a worksheet with several sentences each sentence contains a verb written in the wrong way T will ask Ss to write the verbs in the correct form. T will ask Ss to check their answers in pairs when finished. T will ask each S to read a sentence to pay attention to their pronunciation and to check for any errors.
T will ask Ss to work in groups of three to four to discuss what they did last weekend. Each group needs to write five to seven sentences and then each group will present it to their classmates.
T will ask each S to write five sentences about what they did last holiday—four true and one false. Ss take turns reading their work aloud while their classmates guess which one is false. At the end of this activity, T will review some of the Ss errors and give detailed feedback to avoid common mistakes Ss might make.