Banking, Customer Service and Telephone
CLB 2 level
Main Aims
To enable students to practice writing a cheque and understand the related vocabulary in an online learning environment. To develop students' reading comprehension skills through a related topic, telephone fraud.
Subsidiary Aims
To enhance students' ability to apply banking vocabulary in real-life scenarios. To improve students' attention to detail in financial documentation.
Procedure (99-123 minutes)
Elicit students' experiences with cheques via questions for discussion as follows: "How do you pay your bills?" "Do you use cheques?" "When do you use cheques?"
Display an image of a cheque on screen share and discuss its components (payee, amount, date, signature, memo line). Elicit their purpose and placement.
Introduce key vocabulary: cheque, signature, memo, date, amount. Use interactive slides and real-life scenarios.
Students will receive a set of details for a cheque along with a blank cheque template. They will work in pairs in breakout rooms to complete it. I will join each breakout room to monitor their progress and provide guidance as needed. Afterwards, we will reconvene as a whole class, and I will provide collective feedback.
Students will compare two cheques to identify key differences, such as the payers' names, dates, amounts, and other details. I will facilitate an open discussion to review and analyze these differences.
Students will participate in real-life cheque-writing scenarios in breakout rooms (e.g., rent payment). They will be paired and assigned to breakout rooms, where they will complete a blank cheque for rent payment to a landlord. I will join each breakout room to monitor their progress and provide guidance as needed. The activity will conclude with collective feedback to the whole class.
Students will participate in a reading comprehension activity on telephone fraud. To activate their prior knowledge and encourage discussion, I will start with a warm-up by posing the following discussion questions: 1-Have you ever heard of telephone fraud or scams? 2-Have you ever received a call claiming that you won a prize? 3-Have you ever shared your bank information or account number over the phone?
Pre-teach the following vocabulary: fraud - hang up - shipping - broke
Students will be encouraged to read the passage individually and answer the following questions: 1-Who is Chad? 2-What does Chad do when he receives calls from unknown people? 3-How much money did the caller ask Alex to send? 4-Did Alex send the money? Why or why not? 5-Do you think Alex was lucky? Why or why not? After completing the questions, students will participate in a class discussion to review and analyze their answers.
Students will work collaboratively in groups of three to rearrange a jumbled passage on telephone fraud in breakout rooms. Once they have completed the task, they will reconvene as a whole class to discuss and review their answers.
Review key takeaways and praise the students for the good work