Pre-intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide practice of language used for M(A)FP, grammatical structures and intonation. in the context of Functional Language about Apologies
Subsidiary Aims
To provide accuracy speaking practice: Working sentences emphasizing stress in the right words.
Procedure (41-41 minutes)
The students will be given an image with a text, saying Thanks for not smoking. They are going to be asked about the meaning of the Thank in the text, if it means gratitude or prohibition. Then students are going to be reading a text with intonation, we are going to practice the stress in the words from the sentence given. Let´s train intonation:
We are going to read together a text that I will present to them in a link, where we are going to look for the meaning of the text; what it says, what it talks about and discover the words whose meaning we do not yet know. We are going to see a little about form in relation to apologies, grammatical structures.
I will share a link where Ss will go to Google slides, they have to match the meaning of the sentences given with the meaning given is in disorder. Ss will be giving another link with a Google form where they will have to choose between a formal sentence and an informal sentence. There will be 22 sentences they have to decide if they belong to a formal language or informal language.
The students are going to work in pairs with a Google form, where they have to feel the gaps in the sentences with the right words, according to Functional Language about apologies.
Students are going to be given three scenarios where they have to answer their apologies to their partner in the scenarios given.