TP6 Functional Language Alejandra Joaquin
Pre- Intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of language used for asking for opinions, agreeing and disagreeing
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation and be able to agree or disagree
To provide gist listening practice using a text about opinions on university fees
To develop students’ confidence in situations where they may need to agree or disagree politely
Procedure (37-49 minutes)
(SHARE SCREEN OF SLIDE 1) T: What do you think people are talking about at this dinner party? T must engage the whole group in conversation eliciting ideas from students and guiding them towards the concept of sharing opinions. To do this, T might ask more questions like: - Do they all think the same way? - Do they look like they have the same or different opinions? - Would you express your ideas even if they were different? - Do all of them have to agree? - Do you think someone disagrees? T: Today, we’re learning how to ask for opinions, agree, and disagree politely.
Gist Task – Listening (3-4min) T: I will play an audio conversation, so you can listen to what they were talking about at the dinner party, when we are finished listening, I will ask you some questions. (SHARE TRACK 48 – Audio Dinner Party) Ask SS to mute their mics while listening. T will arrange BOR while listening. After listening T will promote a short class discussion and will elicit answers from SS by asking: Do they all agree? Do they all think university should be free for everybody? T: Now I will divide you into two groups and I´m going to share with you a transcript of the audio conversation we just listened to. You will have 3 minutes to read it and look for all the phrases for asking for opinions, agreeing and disagreeing. (SHARE DOC in CHATBOX – Audio Transcript Dinner Party) T: If you look at the document, you will see the conversation is divided into two parts. Group 1 (say the names of SS in this group) will read Part 1 and Group 2 (say the names of SS in this group) will read part 2. You have 3 min. (SEND SS TO BOR) T can say or send these reminders through the chat box: Remember to find phrases for asking for opinions, agreeing and disagreeing. You can highlight, bold or underline the phrases you find in the document, and we will go through them together when you are finished. (SHARE SCREEN with doc – Audio Transcript Dinner Party) T: Can you tell me which are the phrases you found in the text that express ways for asking for opinions, agreeing and disagreeing? I will highlight them as you tell me. T will check answers with the class by asking SS one by one to tell her the phrases they found while going through the script and will highlight each phrase.
(SHARE SCREEN OF SLIDE 2) T: This is the list of the phrases we found in the conversation; can you tell me what each one is for? Is it for asking for opinions, agreeing or disagreeing? T will proceed to get answers form SS, one by one, while writing down what the phrase is for next to it.
(SHARE SCREEN OF SLIDE 3) T: Now let’s talk about these phrases for agreeing and disagreeing. Here is a chart where I categorized them. T will explain the chart: When we agree it means we have the same opinion, and when we disagree, we have a different opinion. You can say I agree, or I don’t agree to express what you think. Sometimes you are not certain if that is the case you can partially agree and say, “maybe you’re right” or “I’m not sure about that” Other times you are 100% sure, so you express your agreement/ disagreement strongly. (you can take a picture for future reference) T can ask CCQ to check understanding: If you agree with someone, do you share the same opinion? (Yes) Would you say” Maybe you’re right” to show full agreement? (No) Does the phrase: “Yes definitely” show hesitation? (No) Does the phrase: “I’m not sure about that” mean you completely disagree? (No) Are you being rude when saying: “I’m sorry I don’t agree”? (No) Is the phrase: “No, definitely not” a strong disagreement? (Yes) T will now cover pronunciation, asking one SS for each phrase: Where do you think the stress is in the phrase: “I agree with”. The stress is in the word agree. (highlight agree) “Maybe you’re right” it’s in right (highlight right) and where is the contraction? (Bold you’re) “Yes definitely” it’s definitely (highlight definitely) can you repeat after me? Definitely, definitely. SS will repeat the words. “I don’t agree”. The stress is in the word don’t agree. (highlight don’t agree) “I’m not sure about that” it’s in sure (highlight sure) and where is the contraction? (Bold I’m) can you repeat after me? Sure Sure. SS will repeat the words. “No definitely not” it’s in not (highlight definitely) it has a strong emphasis: can you repeat after me? No, definitely not. T: Now that we went through all the phrases, I am going to play an audio and please repeat after you listen. This audio has all the phrases you found in the conversation. (SHARE AUDIO TRACK 49 – Audio Repeating phrases)
T: Now you are going to practice with a task. I will send you the link through the chat box” (SHARE CONTROLLED PRACTICE FORM) T: You will have 5 minutes to complete two tasks, in each of the tasks you will read the conversations and pick a phrase from the list to fill in the blanks with, only use each phrase once. Let’s do the first one together, as an example”. T will pick a student and model how to answer the questions in the task. After 5 minutes T: We will go through the answers of both tasks. T will ask one by one to say the phrases they chose to fill in the blanks with.
T: We will work in pairs via breakout rooms, I will send you to the chat box a list of sentences to discuss with your partner, choose one or two, think why you agree or disagree with them, you will have 3 minutes, one and a half minute each, to give your opinions. After that well meet here and change partners. If you need you can use the chart of phrases that is in the Audi transcript doc. (SEND SS TO BOR) In case of a 3-person group T will tell them to speak one minute each. T will send Ss to breakout rooms and monitor time and language use. T will bring them back to the main room and say: Now you will have a new partner, pick a different question and again you will have 3 minutes, one and a half minute each or one minute in case of a three-person group, to give your opinions. If time allows repeat the exercise one more time. (SEND SS TO BOR) List of sentences to discuss: 1. Women are better drivers than men. 2. Video games are bad for children. 3. Money makes people happy. 4. English is an easy language to learn. 5. Everyone should only work four days a week. 6. People shouldn’t get married before they’re 30. T will conduct a brief class discussion to share opinions, then T will conduct Delayed Error correction and give Feedback on correct use of TL.