Stephanie Guler Stephanie Guler

Elementary (A1+) level


In this lesson, students learn about and practice using the verb be in its positive and negative forms.


Main Aims

  • To introduce and practice positive and negative forms of the "be" verb in the context of number plates.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide controlled speaking practice of the target language.


Lead In (1-2 minutes) • To generate interest in the topic

Introduce yourself. Remind Ss of the context of the listening they did in the last lesson.

Grammar Practice: Exercise 1 (6-7 minutes) • To check Ss initial understanding of the verb "be"

Introduce the Exercise. Complete first question with Ss to build confidence. Have Ss complete exercise 1 and check answers in pairs (3-4 min). Elicit/give answers in whole class feedback ( 2 min). Have Ss participate by reading the conversation lines and asking questions to check understanding.

Boardwork (11-12 minutes) • Highlight "be" verb (meaning, forms, reasons, contractions)

Write the sentences from the Grammar box (p.9) on the board. Highlight the “be” verb and elicit the forms and reasons for them (point out the contractions as well). Also practice these different forms and contractions by asking students personal questions. Example of the boardwork: As you saw in the exercise, the "be" verb doesn't actually use the word "be". Instead it uses (write on board) AM, IS, or ARE. Write this (gesture) down. Sentences are built like this: Subject Pronoun + Be Verb I + AM < Singular (One thing) HE, SHE, IT + IS < Singular (One thing) YOU, WE, THEY + ARE < Plural (More than one) (Nominate a S) Please read the first sentence here (point to sentence on board). "I'm Mr Forbes" I'm is the short version of I am. This is called a contraction. In English we use contractions in speaking. Contractions are also used in informal writing. Informal writing includes things like e-mails, text messages…what are some other examples of informal writing? (twitter, Facebook, social media, postcard, letter to a friend, etc.) Contractions: I am = I'm He is = (elicit from Ss) He's She is = She's It is = It's You are = You're We are = We're They are = They're

Grammar Practice: Exercise 2 (6-7 minutes) • Practice the use of "is" and "are"

T should introduce the exercise and complete the first task with Ss. Have Ss complete Exercise 2 and check answers in pairs. (3-4 mins) Elicit/give answers in whole class feedback. (2-3 mins) Have Ss participate by taking turns reading each statement and giving their answer.

Controlled Practice: Exercise 4 and/or 5 (6-7 minutes) • To continue practicing the use of "be" in its different forms (positive, negative and question)

T introduces exercise 4 (if there's time do both 4 and 5). Complete first question with Ss to build confidence. Ss complete exercise 4 and check in pairs (3-4 mins). Elicit/give answers in whole class feedback (2-3 mins). T should have Ss take turns reading the questions and giving answers.

Speaking Practice (5-7 minutes) • To provide controlled speaking practice of the target language

Adapt exercise 5 from p.137 to create a Speaking opportunity. T hands out cut up paper with questions, and put the Ss in groups. Ss take turns asking/answering the questions. (In your instructions, remind them not to show their papers to each other.) If there is time, put them in new groups and do the activity again. While monitoring Ss, T should collect some errors with the “be verb” and do delayed error correction on the board after the task. If there is a lot of extra time, choose from Speaking activity (b) or (c) on p.9

Delayed Error Correction (4-5 minutes) • To provide Ss with feedback on errors made in the previous speaking activity

Write errors collected on board while Ss are finishing up speaking activity. Review errors and elicit corrections from Ss.

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