Maryam Hameed Maryam Hameed

Schools and Education
Intermediate level


In this lesson SS will practice their reading and speaking skills to learn about the vocabulary related to schools and education.


Abc Computer
Abc Projector
Abc Reading Handout
Abc Whiteboard
Abc New English File Intermediate Student's Book p 52-53
Abc New English File Intermediate Teacher's Book p. 69
Abc Answer key
Abc Markers

Main Aims

  • SS will have practiced vocabulary in the context of schools and education.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice reading for detail and semi-controlled speaking.


Warmer/Lead-in (5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will show a picture of a teacher on Powerpoint from the early 1900's, mid 1900's, late 1900's and then show a more recent picture of a teacher nowadays and how they have changed over time. I will ask students briefly what they think about today's quality of education and if it was different/better or worse than it was back then. What things have changed?

Vocabulary/Pre-Reading (10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T will hand out the activity sheet, first showing the SS what they will be doing and explaining the instructions clearly with ICQs. SS will answer the questions in Ex a and will work in pairs. It's okay if the SS don't get all the answers. Ask students for feedback - if they thought the questions were easy/difficult. An answer key will be given to students and they will check how many answers they got correct. Students will then complete Ex b, working individually first and then in pairs to check their answers. T will nominate students to give their answers and the answer key will be written on the board.

While-Reading #1 (10 minutes) • To provide students with pre-vocabulary before the Interview task

T will teach new vocabulary words through eliciting suggestions from SS by showing them pictures on Powerpoint. Words are: 1. secondary school (from ages 11-18) (n) 2. discipline (n) 3. uniform (n) 4. pupils (n) 5. strict (adj) T will ask SS: all these words except for 1 have something in common. What is that? They are all nouns, except for 'strict' which is an adjective. SS will do Ex d: Interviewing their partner. T will first demonstrate the task, then will make pairs so SS are not with their friends. T will monitor the task then do feedback.

While-Reading #2 (10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

T will show a picture of Damian Whitworth on Powerpoint, showing that he is an adult walking among teenage students in a school. Reading: T will tell SS to flip over the page and have a look at the Reading questions in the left column. SS will then read the text on the right from top to bottom and answer questions in b and c for now. T will then instruct SS to do Ex f in pairs. T will then display the highlighted vocabulary words for Ex e on Powerpoint - the words will be on the left side and definitions will be on the right. SS will match the words with the defintions they see. Each definition will have a letter beside it and they will match the letter to the word. The words are highlighted on their worksheets so they can put the letter beside the word on their sheet.

Post-Reading/Listening (10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Speaking Task: T will pose the following questions to students and they will discuss answers in their groups: 1. Do you think the way teachers discipline their students has changed from the 1950's until now? How and why? 2. What do you think the discipline was like back then? How do you think students were punished for behaving badly? 3. How do teacher's discipline/punish students these days?

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