Zamara Zamara

Upper-Intermediate level


I this lesson students will practice their listening skills while learning about first impressions-


Main Aims

  • Students will learn receptive skills during this presentation through the conversation of first impressions

Subsidiary Aims

  • practice pronunciation


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Play video of people having a conversation on first impressions. They give tips on how to cause a positive first impression and use useful vocabulary words

Gist (7-8 minutes) • to contextualize the lesson

Ask questions slide 2 Define and match slide 3 Figure out meaning of "go with our gut feeling" "can't put my finger on it"

MFP (12-15 minutes) • Clarification

exercise 2A of page 20 of SB Google forms activity and listening audio from slide 5 Practice vocabulary from the class like "put a finger on" etc

Control Practice (4-4 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Students will listen again to activity and do activity 2B they will go into breakout rooms and fill out the google forms together. we will go over it and practice the pronunciation and target language from the audios

Feed Back (8-9 minutes) • To give feedback

Students will be given feedback on their progess and the class will also be open to questions and awswers

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