First Conditional
Elementary level
Main Aims
To provide clarification of First conditional in the context of Murphy`s law
Subsidiary Aims
To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of Murphy`s law
Procedure (43-57 minutes)
I will start class by talking about Murphy`s law and examples of Murphy`s law that happen to me all the time. For example: If I take my car to the car wash, It will be rainy .
I will ask my students to tell me examples of Murphy`s law that happen to them.
I will write some of my student`s sentences on the board in the correct form of first conditional.
I will draw a two column table on the board. Left one will belong to the condition part ( conditional clause) and right one will belong to the (main clause)result part . I will ask them which one is condition part? (left one) Which one is result part? ( right one) The structure of first conditional will be elicited by asking questions like : Which part does need 'if' ? ( condition part) What is the tense of the verb in condition part? (present simple) Where does the comma come? ( after condition part and before result part) Do condition part and result part are switchable? ( Yes) ( In this case comma will be removed.) What is the tense of result part? ( will+ infinitive) What is the negative form in condition part? ( negative of simple present) What is the negative form in result part? ( will+ not or won`t) Is it ok to use can instead of will? (Yes)
Students are going to exercise on page 141 in 4 minutes individually. They will have 3 minutes to check their answers in pairs an then the answers will checked with the whole class.
I will ask my students to tell each other about Murphy`s law they experience in their life. Each student need to give their partner 5 examples.
Students are going to be divided in groups of four. They will have ten minutes to talk about the strangest or worst Murphy`s law they experience. They will be monitored and feedback will be given at the end.