Lexis TP4
upper intermediate level
Main Aims
Students will be able to practice the use of homonyms in a controlled and free setting. The L.O will be considered met when students can use these, and differentiate between them consistently with high levels of accuracy.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide clarification of homonym vocabulary in the context of travel
Procedure (45-45 minutes)
Start by opening with an open class discussion. Ask students to think about possessions they own, what their favourite possession is, and talk about why they are important. Look for students who don't use correct vocabulary when talking about possession. Introduce the idea of having too many possessions.
Ss will look at the text about possessions. They will be given a short gist task and then read the text. Look for students who struggle with understanding the general premise and meaning of the text. Use TL in the question for the gist task and get students to use it in their answers where possible. Use this to lead in to teaching students about homonyms.
Students will look at homonyms within the text, and be given example as of the word can be used in a different way. Try to elicit here for Ss who already have prior knowledge of the vocabulary in a different usage.
Here, we will cover the homonyms from the text and give them their dual meanings. After each explanation, one at a time, we will focus on understanding. During this stage, highlight appropriacy where necessary. Also, after explaining the meaning, focus on form and pronunciation. Once pronunciation has been done for each, elicit an example and focus on drilling. Look for Ss who have used both meanings correctly but incorrect grammar. This is an opportunity for DEC.
Students complete an individual Controlled Practice task. During this time, students won't be able to give any signs to the teacher if they don't understand so monitor BORs after the task to check. Following 4 minutes to do the task and check their own answers, use BOR for 4 minutes where students can practice and peer check. Look for rooms where students have largely different answers for clarification in front of the class.
Students will be given a task in pairs to work together and think of a sentence where they can use both meanings of a homonym. In this task, they will need to use the homonyms they've learned and craft sentences they will later share with the group. Ss will need to show competency using homonyms in extended sentences. Give Ss a model answer first, then let them work together to do it. If students can, try to link all the sentences together into a passage. This is meant to imitate the passage in a way where they can craft a complex yet cohesive story. Use BOR and monitor students answers, helping guide students where necessary. Following this, let students join back in and discuss their role play with the class. Elicit some answers in front of the class and discuss the answers given. Then, DEC for consistent mistakes.