Pre-intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide fluency in the context of Speaking about paintings.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide clarification in the context of Using present continuos
Procedure (45-45 minutes)
Students will work in pairs. They will see an image with many clothes parts. One student is going to ask his classmate: - What do you have in your pockets? The classmate has to answer: - I have a Hat. I have a t-shirt. I have socks. I have a tie. I have shorts. I have a bowtie. The work of the student asking the question is to keep asking the classmate the same question, but the student can slightly modify the question asking: - What else do you have in your pockets? - What else? - Tell me more. - What else? When the students are answering the question they cannot repeat parts of the clothes in the picture that they have said before.
The students will have an image with some examples of a ball and a box. The ball is located in different parts of the box and the students will have to name the position of it according to the box. Once they have discussed about preposition of place, I will show them the same image with the accurate name of the position of the ball according to the box to clarify all the prepositions of place in the image.
Students will receive an image where they can see the sounds of the vowels as they are in English language. Students will work on five phrases. I will ask to different students to read loud each phrase and correct pronunciation with the main sound in the phrase until we complete the 5 phrases.
I will provide students with a text and a painting where they will have to speak to each other, asking the questions in the text and answering them as well. Students will work in the text, but the text has some missing words that students will have to fill up with their own thoughts while speaking. At the end of the activity, if time allows, We'll check pronunciation and grammar. Students will work in pairs.
The students will work in pairs or trios, they will answer a question about two pictures they will open on their device they will have to decide where do they prefer to leave according to the two places shown in the pictures they will have to start answering with the same phrase always I love + ing / I like + ing After it, students will add whatever they decide to share.
We will check the points we have seen in the class such as pronunciation, grammar and add to that, I will check with them how to link words when we are speaking long sentences.