Compare and Contrast
Intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide a product writing practice of an essay in the context of online learning Vs traditional classrooms
Subsidiary Aims
To provide a revised and corrected product of the first draft in the context of online learning Vs traditional classrooms
Procedure (45-55 minutes)
The teacher reminds the students of the compare and contrast essay. The teacher asks the students about their favorite kind of learning.
The teacher asks the students about the structure of the compare and contrast essay. The teacher asks about the similarities between online and traditional learning. The teacher asks about the differences between online and traditional learning. The teacher shows a model of a compare and contrast essay.
The teacher discusses how to create a strong hook sentence and thesis statement. The teacher shows some useful vocabulary that could be used in the topic. The teacher shows some transition words that could be used in the topic. The teacher discusses how to sum up and write a powerful conclusion.
The teacher asks the students to write an essay using their productive skills. The teacher observes the students' products and tries to elicit their thoughts. The teacher takes notes and inspires their minds.
The teacher creates a wall gallery and begins to compare students' projects. The teacher asks the students to write down their feedback on each other. The teacher gives his input and adds some comments. The teacher proofreads the students' essays and corrects their mistakes. The teacher asks the students to write their final draft.