First Conditional lesson
Elementry level
Main Aims
To provide clarification of The First Conditional in the context of Possible future
Subsidiary Aims
To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of Possible future
Procedure (34-49 minutes)
I will ask everyone to talk about their possible future.
I will ask students to consider the situation and condition that the possible result will happen.
I will write some of students conditions and results in two different column and ask them to guess which one is the condition and which one is result.
I will draw a timeline on the top of the two former columns and ask students to say the tense of each column. condition: simple present. result: will + base form of the verb. The structure will be elicited by asking about sentences like. Are both of these a complete sentences? (No) What are they? (Clauses) What are clauses? ( The group of words which have both subject and verb but can be complete or incomplete sentences.) Which column is conditional clause and which one is result clause? Where we use if ?( Conditional clause.)
Students are going to exercise on page 87 in four minutes individually. They will have 3 minutes to check their answers in pairs and then the answers will be checked with the whole class.
I will ask students to tell each other in what condition they will have the results they aspect in the future.
The students are going to divided into groups of three. They will have 5 minutes to talk about how they can have their wanted future by their current actions. they will be monitored and feedback will be given at the end.